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Corymbia ficifolia (pka: Eucalyptus ficifolia) - Orange Flowering Gum Tree

Corymbia ficifolia (pka: Eucalyptus ficifolia) - Orange Flowering Gum Tree (Corymbia ficifolia - Flowering Gum)

A close up of the buds and flowers. Photo taken on July 5, 2010.
This tree is still mostly sold as Eucalyptus ficifolia.

Comments on this photo


Beautiful..... Palmate ....

6 Jul, 2010



Thanks! I was a little of a challenge taking this photo. There was about a million bees in the flowers.

6 Jul, 2010


Its very beautiful....

6 Jul, 2010



Thanks! : > )

7 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of species Corymbia ficifolia - Flowering Gum.

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