By Bornagain
- 6 Jul, 2010
This is a 'garden pearl' I've never grown tomatoes before, but Trev who did my makeover gave me it. I must add the others are normal shape:-)
Comments on this photo want me to eat ...Duck Tomato? :-(
6 Jul, 2010
Sorry,Ba,how tactless of me...I didn't realise he was a new,bless him...Is he genetically modified,?, as I've never seen a red duck before...
6 Jul, 2010
... or maybe "Duck Tom" is normal shape ..
... it's all the other round tomatoes which are quirky ....
7 Jul, 2010
I forgive you Bloomer, as Terra says, it's the others that are odd. Terra, I like the way your mind works, perhaps you would like a job with BA Travel? It's the next big thing, we transport people to wherever they want to go, simply by pressing the 'end' key, and bring them back using 'home'. There are a few teething problems, but you're just the sort of 'out of the box' thinker we're looking for. :-))
7 Jul, 2010
by mistake I pressed Num Lock...
... the result.... 300 Duck Toms descended on my Home... !!!
I'm pressing Escape right now.... ;o)
7 Jul, 2010
Lol Terra, we must be careful with this new technology, don't look at my new spider question, accompanied by three pics!:-)
7 Jul, 2010
Ba,you are very naughty to keep trying to drum up bookings for your BaT.!,and please Terra don't encourage her further.I have had enough problems finding out about "home" and "end".Lol.Do I really have the courage to delve into the mystery of "Num lock" ?..and more to the point,have I got one ?.I already know my laptop is lacking an end at the right hand side..according to info from some mad people on here.....but I DO know I can "Escape".:o)))..
7 Jul, 2010
I haven't got an 'escape' :-(
8 Jul, 2010
Lol. Ba.... there is no escape for you........
Bloomer.. Do you have a PrtSc SysRq ... ???
8 Jul, 2010
I think you're right Terra lol, I don't know if Bloomer's got one, but I have :-] ( smug smile) What is it? :-)
8 Jul, 2010
Print Screen.... now I bet you're glad you've got one ;o)
8 Jul, 2010
havent' got an 'escape'?...Now why doesn't that surprise me.Lol...
Terra....PrtSc SysRq..??..Possibly.!!!!.....I do have a P60 though :o)))
Oh,Ba,you are a little smarty pants this morning,pity you don't know what to do with it though...:o)))) or do you ?
Terra...some people are sooooo smug,aren't they?.just because they have their own travel business...Lol.
8 Jul, 2010
Lol... Bloomer...
I wonder if Ba has a OtbubDT key... that's a rare one ....
8 Jul, 2010
:-[ (dejected face)
8 Jul, 2010
:o((( and me,Ba...Come on,Terra,you know we are computer illiterate,and get by on a wing and a prayer...are you offering to be our tutor,so we can show off ?.lol.
8 Jul, 2010
OtbubDT = Only to be used by Duck Tomatoes ...
8 Jul, 2010
Ha.ha.ha..Brilliant,Terra.Lol. I certainly fell for that funny,will be chuckling all afternoon..:o))))))))
8 Jul, 2010
8 Jul, 2010
Yes I do.....what's funny about that? Some people are just silly, for your information Terra , the duck tomato's better on the computer than I am! :-] (smug smile again) I bet you're just jealous as my bird is more versatile than yours...yours is just a budgie:-)
8 Jul, 2010
Ha Ha, I've just noticed all the tomato adverts right hand side......not one is a duck:-)
8 Jul, 2010
Lol. :o)
8 Jul, 2010
Should I really get involved in this....? It has a strange simularity to my Somerset Blog, Oh Terra, we could have done with you on that~I think you would have enjoyed it tremendously! :~))
9 Jul, 2010
Hello flori:-)
10 Jul, 2010
Well. hello there Ba........ :~))
10 Jul, 2010
Ohhhhh now I get it! well it's nice to see you all again in the institution, buckle your seatbelts folks :oP
12 Jul, 2010
(shameless advert coming up) You won't need a seatbelt on B.A.TRAVEL LTD. :-)
12 Jul, 2010
There is talk of changing the cricketing term....
... "Out for a duck" ... to be known as ...
"Out for a tomato" ... :o)
12 Jul, 2010
Ba,you might not but we aren't sure if you comply with health and safety.........
Lol,Terra,there will be some red faces there then.....are you all groaning in disbelief at this ????.. Trying my very best here..:o)))
12 Jul, 2010
Bloomer.... red faces .. Lol.... good one :o)))
12 Jul, 2010
I was almost 'pipped' at the post there by Terra.....(sorry Pip!lol!).but at least I 'fried', I was 'chopped' off before my very best, and 'skinned' past the rest of it ha ha ha!
What a recipe for disaster that was!
Ba, by the way, you might not need a seatbelt to travel BAT, but it sure helps if you have the end bit of your keyboard attached! (Ever get that feeling of dejavu girls?) LOL! :~)))))x
How's this for a jingle advertising your new Company, Ba?
''B.A Travel, won't let you unravel, She'll get you there and on safe gravel(well it rhymed, didn't it??)
Your flight deck is your own PC, till she gets it right, you can travel free!
Transporter links she's got it sussed, though your keyboard end, that is a must!
Stand aside Bill Gates, Go strike that gavel,
and transport yourself by B.A Travel!''
It's got a certain ring to it hasn't it girls? Tee hee hee! :~))))X
12 Jul, 2010
Flying BAT ?
for Bloomer .... travel by Lucky Horseshoe BAT
for Flori.... try Friendly Natterer BAT
for Pip .... nothing but the Rare Australian Pipistrelle BAT
for Bornagain ... it must be Tomato Duck BAT
12 Jul, 2010
LOL Terra! Am beginning to think we may all be just a little bit Batty just recently, the things these girl's drag me into......and I am so powerless to resist! Lol! :~)) Your turn to Bat now......
12 Jul, 2010
Very impressive poem that Flori, how would you like to be head of advertising? Terra, do you mind if I borrow your horseshoe idea as our emblem? not a pic of horseshoe bat though....not very pretty are they:-) Bloomer...yes I groaned lol. By the way Terra, i didn't get where I am today by not recognising a good idea when I see one, I have emailed the MCC to add my weight to the 'tomato idea' :-) I forgot to mention it's raining here, yay! No watering for me today:-)
12 Jul, 2010
Head of advertising it is then Ba, my rates are really reasonable too, lol! Erm....where exacatly are you today, Ba? And do you think the MCC will play cricket with your new inventive 'Tom Duck', or maybe just bowl a maiden over with lack of enthusiasm? No insight some of these bigwigs!!!
12 Jul, 2010
Have the 'Magic Carpet Company' replied yet,Ba? tThey will be wondering what on earth you are on about .Lol...ha ha.
12 Jul, 2010
Lol, keep up Bloomer, that MCC went out of business, liquidated....couldn't compete with B.A.T. :-))
12 Jul, 2010
Cricket B.A.T. ???
12 Jul, 2010
Oh,yes I forgot you sqeeezed them out of business...with your undercut prices..its a cut throat world,but thats life...hope our jobs are still safe.???
Speaking of which..have I actually got a job with B.A.T ? not seen a job description as yet....(biting my nails,like Flori, I have a garden to feed and water),..can't afford to be out of work !!!.will I be a high flyer,I ask myself,or just part of the ground crew..?..
13 Jul, 2010
Lol Terra, you've got cricket on the brain! I can't remember if you have accepted the position of out-of-the-box-thinker? Bloomer, you of course, are our experienced guide. Your job is definitely safe, and as we have no hierarchy, you all have equal status and salary. I'm all for equality, of course, it was all my idea...and I am the that puts me in a slightly different position..ahem:-)
13 Jul, 2010
Hi Bornagain...
When I first joined GoY I accepted the position of out-of-the-box-thinker ...
13 Jul, 2010
Well look what happens when I am away for two days, everyone goes wild. I mean, that would happen anyway... but I have a lot of catching up to do!!!!!
Do you really think your jingle is going to catch on Flori?
I have a PrtScn SysRq Insert... I knew about the Print Screen bit but can someone please explain what SysRq is? Does anyone else have a Pause Break ScrLk? And what is an F Lock?
13 Jul, 2010
I've no idea Pip, but yesterday I pressed something???? and the screen went tiny. Cleverly I pressed it again, hoping it would reverse, it went even smaller, had to squint to try to make out words:-( I fiddled about (technical term) for an hour or so, don't know what I went back to normal:-) Anyway.. stop showing off Pip:-)
14 Jul, 2010
If you 'search' duck tomato, it asks if you mean duck potato lol:-)
14 Jul, 2010
Lol... I googled duck tomato and got duck potato...
but there are Zebra tomatoes... of various colours ! :o)
14 Jul, 2010
You have idle hands,Ba,searching for Duck wonder your screen went small,probably had enough ! Lol.If you look for his Family tree,you may find that Duck potato was his Grandmothers cousin,twice removed,on his great,great,Grandfathers side...Will watch out for him on "Who do you think you are"...:o))
14 Jul, 2010
LOL Terra, Pip amd Ba! Couldn't think of a better 'out-of-the-box-thinker' than you, Terra, and Pip, I too have the PrtScn SysRq and 'insert' key, but not really any the wiser than you! (Help! Just who has pinched me Pause Break ScrLK key???), and as to F Lock, guess that's similar to an Air Lock that we would need in B.A.T's recently launched 'Instant Transportation Service', or 'ITS' as it is fondly known as. She was going to add SH, to that,(Self Handling), but we talked her out of it, just as well really, these long titles reallyconfusepeopledon'tyoufind? Tee hee hee!
I love the idea that Ba, has now located Minimise and Maximise! A size 10 for me please Ba, when you get round to it! :~))
And just What is wrong with my jingle, Pip???? LOL!!!!
14 Jul, 2010
I would have a go at the size ten for you Flori, but havent quite got the hang of it yet, and I might press the maximise instead :-(
14 Jul, 2010
AHHHHHH! Don't do that Ba, or I will last be seen floating across a soggy Summer's skyline heading towards the West Midlands......Mitchelin man, eat your heart out! lol!
14 Jul, 2010
Aha,I DO know maximise and minimise,so there !! I use it occasionally.,but more often than not,by mistake...that's how I found it.,like most other things..Lol.
Don't know what F lock it just Flock,with a gap ? :o))
14 Jul, 2010
LOL! Bloomer~I was very dubious about even going there to be honest!!!! :~)))x
14 Jul, 2010
Well,I did wonder too..!!!!
14 Jul, 2010
What's that saying about fools rushing in where angels fear to tread....?LOL! Not that I'm implying anything of if I would dare....let me just ajust my halo.......Tee hee hee!
14 Jul, 2010
Hmmm. If only the minimise and maximise keys could be applied to everything! I don't appear to have any on my keyboard. But i do have several other keys which look quite foreign... I am intrigued by the possibilities of one marked 'Sleep'! LOL!
15 Jul, 2010
What ever you do Pip DON'T PRESS IT!!!!!
15 Jul, 2010
Too late,Ba,I think she already has..zzzzz.....please don't snore when typing Pip.!!!
15 Jul, 2010
It doesn't mean sleep as in go to sleep/wake up, I've been told it's a little more permanent:-(
15 Jul, 2010
I thought that Ba, just trying to keep her alert...and on here...Lol.
15 Jul, 2010
*Alarm clock rings*
Oh! Um, hello everyone. I won't be pressing the button anytime soon Ba.
Bloomer, what are you worried about? As if you can here my snores over the din of knocking knees, wobble boarding, advertising jingles, and disjointed 'weeeowww' noises from didgeridoos. Just invest in earplugs.
18 Jul, 2010
Oh,there you are,Pip..Good morning,Sleeping Beauty! were you awakened by a lovely prince,or a frog ?.I didn't hear you snoring and all the other things,but my nephew Adelaide. !! Think he is cutting his holiday short and coming home..:o))
18 Jul, 2010
Ahem... a prince. Funny you should mention Adelaide... Dad's jetsetting there in about four hours. Probably trying to escape my snores. LOL
19 Jul, 2010's me......I'm back......What's all this about Adelaidian snoring frog Prince's? I found a key that said Delete, so like Pip, just out of curiousity I thought I would press it to see what it di ..............ddddddddd ! :~))
19 Jul, 2010
Hello Flori, shall I put a pic of my card on to make Bloomer jealous?:-)
19 Jul, 2010
Hello Ba! Now nicely girls.....or you won't get any eggy bread to go with 'Tom Duck'! LOL!!!
19 Jul, 2010
Well,fancy that,Pip..Our Dominic didn't hear you,so your dad will be just snore away to your hearts content,girl..:o)...
Oh heck,or words to that effect...our Flori is back...been anywhere nice?..I had mushroom omelette for tea,soooo fed up of eggy bread Lol.
You are a naughty girl Ba, what you want..see if I there !
19 Jul, 2010
Don't press the Delete key Flori!
I thoroughly intend to snore Bloomer, so there!
Have you eaten Tom Duck yet, Ba/Bloomer/Flori? thought maybe Duck could travet by BAT and somehow reach us all. Wishful thinking I suppose.
20 Jul, 2010
Fraid so Pip, my daughter ate him, I couldn't bring myself to do it...she's very unsentimental, I don't know where I went wrong:-( Bloomer, it was a card to congratulate me on my makeover, the most beautiful National Trust card, if you pretend to have one she might send you one too. Just find an old pic of your garden...then one as it is now...and Bob's your uncle. Don't tell her I said anything though or she may smell a rat. Mum's the word:-) Just noticed, there's a lot of my family on here :-)
20 Jul, 2010
Ah,so THAT'S how its done...will bear that in mind for the future,Ba.Nice to meet Uncle Bob,and Mum,,,is the rat part of the Family too,or just a good friend ???
20 Jul, 2010
Unfortunately also a family member:-( You missed out my daughter:-)
20 Jul, 2010
Oh,dear,Ba..sorry about the rat,and so Duck Tomato is no more...seems your
daughter has a lot more common sense than us!.R.I.P ..DT :o(..
20 Jul, 2010
Dum dum da dum dum de da de da de dum......(Funereal slow walk on the sad demise of T Duck~laid to rest in the digestive tract of Ba's offspring) We will hold a 2 second silence whilst Ba pipes the last pips to a valient mutant tomato.
Much loved, and respected by certain members of GOY, we salute you Tom!
21 Jul, 2010
Haven't you taken your pill today,Flori..actually,i think I need to take an extra one,as I was humming along to your very descriptive 'drivel'?..and it fits..OMG,
How sad is that? Poor T Duck,a short life but a happy many of us mourn his loss..well,four of us ,I think..He would have made a lovely puree too.Ah,well,it wasn't meant to be...:o((( Excuse me,must have a lie down...
21 Jul, 2010
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bloomer! You are one nutty lady, what an honour it is to pit my rapier wit with you my friend! ''DRIVEL'????'DRIVEL'????
This is the finest honed lightning sharp wit I will have you know, the best that Wiltshire can offer at such short notice!!!
I raise my virgin bloody mary to Tom~we may never see his like again!
I think our Ba, is still in mourning........ :~(((( lol!
21 Jul, 2010
To be honest, I think his number was up from the moment he was separated from the vine. We shall never see his like again, he could have done anything he set his mind on....he could have been a contender...possibly Prime Minister even, but they wouldn't have accepted him, with his red skin and unsavoury relatives. Not so much the potato branch, but there was no way they could over look the deadly nightshade side of the family, no matter how distant.. And he knew this. Some say it was suicide (my daughter) others say assassination....we will never know:-((
21 Jul, 2010
I personally think he was a threat to National Security, Ba, and he was 'dun in' by those that 'do'. How could 'R' say it was suicide?? Did he launch himself down her throat, did he really want to dance around her molars, and get crushed into a pulp, all his pips a gonna? No my friend, I am pretty sure that we are looking at a serious case of 'Tomssassination' here.....mutation or not, he was a fine looking Tom, and we are lessened by his tragic demise......I am hearing distant melodic strains of....'Calling occupants of Interplanetary craft...' from the Carpenters....first we had Crop Circles.....and then mutant T Duck, maybe even a melodic line from David Bowie, ''Can you hear us, Major Tom?....all systems dead, there's something wrong....Here am I floating in a tin can......' That should get Bloomer humming again!!! LOL! Do you think the tablets have started working yet Girls???
21 Jul, 2010
.mmm.Ba,I am a bit unsure about his parentage.I heard his father was a piper,as he always called him,tom,tom,the piper's son,as an expression of endearment,and his mother,so it is said,was an Indian squaw.,and always called him Tommy tepee or tippy,as it is known now.If you see a smoke signal coming from your daughters mouth,you need worry no more,he is with the spirit in the sky..and NO,flori,you need to take a bucket full to cure your problem...and I can't hum and laugh at the same time...strange really,as I thought I was well co-ordinated....:o(((
21 Jul, 2010
Nice to meet your rat, Mum and Uncle Bob, Ba. Much as your daughter is unsentamental and brutal in her comsuption of DT's, looks like Flori doesn't have it as good in the kids department - I notice she is still a 'virgin bloody mary!' (Rapier wit? Lightning sharp wit? Are you talking yourself up?)
Allow me to say: RIP DT, TY BAT for all the fun and games anyway...
Do you think DT could have 'dropped off the twig'... sorry, 'vine'... from suspicious causes? Have you proof that your daughter was involved? Sounds like a case for... oh help... FLORI! Please help me! I need a tomato related name for a well-known crime fighter... you seem to be best at the names.
Tablets? what tablets? hey BAT some over here will you so that I can indulge...
For someone who is 'ambi' I should have thought you could hum with your left nostril and laugh with the right side of your mouth :o)
or maybe just your right hand mouth - what did you say those tablets were for?
23 Jul, 2010
Have you gone completely ga ga,Pip?Lol.I can't think of a crime fighter either..come on Flori,we need your help..I tried my 'ambi' it isn't rude,Pip,and it doesn't work...but it made me dribble a you do,when its tablet time...hang on,I'll just get one of Thomas's bibs..There thats better,and don't need to change my T shirt now....
23 Jul, 2010
Have you thought of Supertomato Pip? I Have put his family pic on for all you fans:-)
23 Jul, 2010
Flori to the rescue! Here I am!!!
SuperTom is pretty good, Ba, but he would have to wear his pips over his skin, which could leave him a little exposed~ooh err!
If he was from Transylvania, he could be called TomDuckular, though he would be more likely to give you a nasty nibble than solve crimes! He could be called 'Tomtom'~distantly related to 'Tintin', which could be his second persona if he went undercover, and just after he got 'canned' (tee hee hee!) and he could give you great directions as well! That's about the best I can give you at the mo, but he would make a great 'Vine fighter'....(not bad for an old 'en, even if I do say it myself!!) LOL!
You can get pads for all that dribbling, Bloomer, or join a football! :~))
Am off to view the family pic.........ooh, this is so exciting..........!
23 Jul, 2010
Oh Flori you're so creative. Thank you.
I am not completely gaga Bloomer..... yet. But I'm close! Watch out! Peraps you should invest in raingear.
Must check out that Supertom family. Sounding good.
25 Jul, 2010
I knew you would come to the rescue,Flori..Lol.,and think the footie sounds the better option..:o).Glad to hear you still have all your faculties,Pip..lucky you..Oh,how I wish we were so in control....Supertom family is very pleasing,and lots of them..You may like to look at my pic of the kids......
26 Jul, 2010
I'm there. you did say it was a pic didn't you not a blog or a question or a comment or perhaps a Pm...
28 Jul, 2010
It is a blog, Pip~and you thought our 'conversations' were odd~you ain't seen nothing yet till you read that!!! You have been warned my friend! It was a nice touch for Bloomer to dedicate her blog to you, me and Ba though, even if it has completely baffled every one else! Ha ha ha! :~))))x
28 Jul, 2010
I have to keep you all on your toes..and confusion appears the best way forward, gives the brain cells something to are all so clever..i knew you would fathom it out,pic,pm,comment..whatever..super sleuths.!! excuse me now,have to go and carve a chicken..a dead one....and roasted.....without stuffing....:o)))
28 Jul, 2010
I looked for a pic too Pip...don't know why I bothered, should have waited for Flories get sense from Florie. I suppose I'll have to look at bloomers blog now is an Eeyore day;-)
28 Jul, 2010
Carve a chicken? Eeyore? Tom Duck? its the international week of GoY Animals...
28 Jul, 2010
I'll drink to that.. hic..:-)
29 Jul, 2010
By the time we have weaned Ba away from the bottle, Bloomer will have stuffed the poor chicken up Eeyore, no wonder he looks so cheesed off, and T Duck will be back on t'pond....pips away old chum!! What's that Ba? another tipple? Oh, if you insist......down the hatch ladies!........ :~))(slurp!)
29 Jul, 2010
Here's to Australia's election campaign. I'm raising my glass for a toast - who's with me?
30 Jul, 2010
You'll never fit a piece of toast in your wine glass, Pip! Well maybe a few crumbs or the odd corner, but it will get awful soggy~have you thought this through my girl? I'm with you, even if the plot's getting a bit confusing for me! Are they electing the WHOLE of Australia over there? I'm awfully confused!!!
30 Jul, 2010
Australia gets my vote
... but not my toast.... I've eaten that ... :o)))
30 Jul, 2010
Terra! How lovely to hear from you! :~)) Yep, my toast long ago digested too! I thought they had just had an election over there Pip, though I have realised that Oz is a fraction bigger than good old Blighty..... LOL!
30 Jul, 2010
I'm a little confused, is Australia being voted onto the BAT board? I think we must consider buying a new table. I'm going to call an Extroadinary Meeting and we'll do that thing where everone shouts out silly ideas in turn. I think a few bottles of wine would be in order, any suggestions? (not too dear, new company and all that) Any suggestions for nibbles? Perhaps Pamg could bring along her tomato gherkin thing and something to put it on...Ooooh I know eggy bread!!! I'm getting quite excited now...our first board meeting! :-)
30 Jul, 2010
Heeeyyyyy sounding good: first official BAT Nutcases extra'board'inary meeting to be held here at DUCK TOMATO:-) soon... watch this space
All watching? Good. May I announce - Eggy bread with tomato gherkin gooseberry whateveritis paste as the official GoY food! (Not! LOL)
How about those 22 bottles of Clematis Multi-Brew? You could BAT some over for us all to share, Flori :o)
31 Jul, 2010
You two are just confusing me more than ever! LOL! Gherkin eggy bread??Clem Multi-Brew?? If the Oz's are joining us at BAT, Ba, will it be more of a extraordinarySurfboard meeting? Cor, just the thought of all those young, tanned muscular blond haired guys, with rippling muscles.....I think I'm coming over all unneccessary.......!! Well I guess they could supply the Barbie~(no, not the doll, Ba, do keep up, the nibbles!) Am a bit concerned that Batting 22 bottles of C.Multi-Brew over to you, Pip, could end up 'bowling a maiden over'~Tee hee hee! Isn't your lot so much better at cricket than ours?? Think we just might be on a bit of a sticky wicket over here...... LOL! :~))x
31 Jul, 2010
Flori, calm down, calm down (I'm originally from Liverpool and know how to say it) having noticed the effect the mere mention of Oz has on you....I'm voting against...sorry Flori, but as MD I have the casting vote.. Obviously you weren't thinking straight or you would have realised that, in the event of a fire, we would not have been covered. Clause 125436789b of our insurance policy strictly forbids the use of a barbie in Bat headquarters boardroom. Back to the eggy bread and gherkiny thing (don't like gherkins) :-( Anyone any better ideas, especially for the wine? :-)
31 Jul, 2010
Just make sure that it's alcoholic?? As to clause 125436789b, how about if we insisted that hunky firemen and their appliance were on standby? ie, just outside the door~just in case our passions got ignited by all those tanned, muscular young things.....? I think I better go and have a lie down, this really isn't doing my blood pressure any good at all, Ba! Tee hee hee! :~)))))x
31 Jul, 2010
.I thought I detected a bit of scouse ,Ba,.must be the humour :o) I worked there for a couple of the place..Hope you weren't one of those who staggered out of Yate's wine lodge,after a couple o glasses of their "red biddy".Lol...Flori,by the sound of your passion for young tanned men,the only thing you will be allowed,will be a cup of tea with added bromide....that will keep your emotions under control..we may have to join you,just so you don't feel left out,you understand....
31 Jul, 2010
Flori, I think cricket is not what it once was over here, with the demise of Warney, Pidge, Gilly, Alfie and all those time-honoured contributors to Australia's reign of terror...
Don't get too big for your boots Ba, just because you are from Liverpool, who died and made you managing director? You are only 'Tomato Duck BAT', I am the 'Rare Australian Pipistrelle' Bat. Unless MD stood for something else <cue Flori>
Your chances of BATing some tanned guys over from Australia are next to none Flori, seeing as it is winter and tans either come out of a bottle or none at all ;o)
1 Aug, 2010
Bromide? Bromide? Isn't that what they use to give the soldiers going off to war Bloomer, not that i thought you were actually there, but was just wondering where you got your stash from???? Am so chuffed to hear that I am in such good company though! lol!
Pip, I am devastated! This is indeed tragic~I am inconsolable~fetch me the bromide, Bloomer, think I might need it on a drip as an infusion! Sob, sob! No tanned Oz's???? :~(((
2 Aug, 2010
No indeed Flori. Try again in summer.
(Bromide sounds like a remedy-for-all circa 1960 that has since been banned by the health authorities due to it causing premature death.)
3 Aug, 2010
DON'T TAKE IT FLORI, it could be worse than pressing delete!!!!!!!
3 Aug, 2010
AHHHH! Is there really something worse than pressing Delete???? Actually, pressing 'Sleep' isn't too healthy either come to think of it, Ba!
Bloomer, do you want to explain to young Pip what Bromide was used for, as I am much too young to remember???? Tee hee hee!
Pip, roll on Summer, that's all I can say! :~))))))x
3 Aug, 2010
I agree! I hate rain! and that's all I get!
How about F Lock? Is that worse than sleep? Does it cause uncontrollable swearing?
3 Aug, 2010
Evening Pip, or should that be Morning? Haven't dared go near the F Lock, in fact, on checking, I seem to be missing mine! Who's pinched me Flock??? LOL!
3 Aug, 2010
Quick! Where's the superglue? I'd thought we saw it all when Bloomer lost hers under Janey's bed...
4 Aug, 2010
I've got a caps lock which you could borrow Florie, but can't help with the F lock, though in my opinion, you're better off without it:-{
4 Aug, 2010
4 Aug, 2010
Bornagain, I officially award you your 'Bornagain's Flowerpot' award! Duck Tom has 110 comments and counting.
4 Aug, 2010
Wow!!!!! I'd like to thank my producer, my fellow Goyers, the entire board of B A Travel and most of all my dear husband, without whose moans, my addiction to GOY would be out of hand sob..sob...Thank You All:-))
5 Aug, 2010
Heyyy haven't you forgotten someone? Your tomato plant?
6 Aug, 2010
I'm hanging my head in shame:-(
6 Aug, 2010
And so you should, Ba, how could you have forgotton the very thing that made this wonderful feat possible?? (I have heard on the tomato vine that you have been forgiven this great oversight, due to the emotional impact that this award has created!) We bathe in your reflected glory...... :~)))))))x
6 Aug, 2010
Astronomers study star clusters ...
we study tomato clusters...
quite a lot on Google about those ... :o)))
What is the term for a person who studies tomato clusters ?
no cheeky answers please ... ;o)
6 Aug, 2010
Don't know that one Terra, though give me time and I bet I could come up with an answer to that~but would a magician or a wizzard Tom be known as Tomato Saucery?? Would Toms who studied clinically be called Tomato Puree-ists? Would peeping Toms in the clink be known as canned Tomatos????Would guidence travel systems be called Tom Toms? (Ah gee, someone has already invented that!) :~(((
Oh oh oh....would someone who studies tomato clusters be called, very sad? lol!
6 Aug, 2010
Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
6 Aug, 2010
'Oh Tommy boy, the pips, the pips are calling,
from off the vine and down the shelf stacked aisles,
the autumns come and all tomatoes blooming,
tis you, my Tom, perhaps to yet be baked or fried.'
'But come ye back when summers in the meadow,
to be no more when hills are white with snow,
but Tom, my love, will be my red faced veggie,
Tomatoes spread upon my toast, I still adore!' LOL! :~))
6 Aug, 2010
LOL. Brilliant... Excellent Flori :o)))
6 Aug, 2010
Tee hee always inspire me, Terra, my dear friend....I have got to be good to even come near your exceptional standard! Bet you've got that tune running through your head now....hahaha! :~))xxx
6 Aug, 2010
Oh no, we're adapting songs as well as superheroes!!! This is where I realise my imagination is quite stunted, as I just ca't compete with Flori and the ever-brilliant Terra!!! Special Awards to you two ;o)))
7 Aug, 2010
Sorry Pip, I cheat, cos I'm a singer, so know lots and lots of songs, so I just might have the advantage here this time.....hahaha! :~))x
7 Aug, 2010
Tom Ato, Tom Ato, I love you Tom Ato, you're only a day away...tra la..
Got one at last:-))
7 Aug, 2010
Groan! That was Soooo bad, Ba, it was positively genius! Well done that woman!
7 Aug, 2010
8 Aug, 2010
A singer, Flori? What do you sing?...
I know! Badly! You sing badly!
10 Aug, 2010
I'll have you know young Pip that if you only knew Floris 'stage name' you would eat your words. Does the name Amy Winehouse mean anything to you?..... well it's not her:-)
10 Aug, 2010
Not Lady Gaga either,..although on second thoughts..Lol.
10 Aug, 2010
Thank you very much, ladies!!!! I feel as if you lot are having a gentle prod at Flori day, just cause I've been a bit on the quiet side just recently! No Pip, I sing tenor, tenor fifteen miles away~boom boom! Or, I sing Solo~solo you don't hear me! Yeah, I thought I'd get them in before you lot did! Infamy,oh, infamy, everybody's got it in for me! lol!! I'm off for a sulk now so there...... :~(((x
10 Aug, 2010
I'm going to sulk with MY friend Flori 8~P
10 Aug, 2010
Let me guess, Flori, you're actually Madonna!? You'd be about her age by now...
11 Aug, 2010
You can go off some people really quickly, you know Pip! lol! Thank you, Ba, good to know I've got such good company during my sulk! :~))))
11 Aug, 2010
How about you, Bloomer? Are you going to come and sit with me in the naughty corner?
11 Aug, 2010
Bloomer has a permanent place there from what I hear, Pip! LOL!
11 Aug, 2010
Ohhh now that's not very nice! Naughty Flori... I'll report you to Peter! Watch out! ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
Oh don't worry, Pip, Bloomer will get her own back on me, hahaha! Wasn't it her that suggested I was really Lady Ga Ga Ga??(Her outfits just don't really do it for me! lol!) Or maybe, Amy Winehouse? I get confused so easily nowadays!
11 Aug, 2010
Quick questionnaire, Flori:
1. Have you thrown up in the last week?
2. Do you own a wacky hairpiece?
If you answered 1, you are Amy Winehouse. If you answered 2, you are Ga Ga Ga.....
Please tell me the answer is 3, none of the above!
11 Aug, 2010
The answer is: A) No, and B) Only on days with a R in the month. As to being ga ga ga, well some on here just might be inclined to occasionally think it is a distinct posibility....mentioning no names....Ba, Bloomer...Pam...Pip! LOL!
11 Aug, 2010
Well, I'm off the the TV for now, but I may see you all on the morrow, don't name too many names while I am away! LOL
11 Aug, 2010
Enjoy your prog, Pip! catch up with you soon :~)))x
11 Aug, 2010
Well,Flori,I would have thought that the latest pic I saw yesterday of Lady Gaga's
outfit in the paper was very fitting for a trendy like you..see,I don't suggest you are old....she was wearing see through fishnet ,both the top and bottom,and cavorting quite suggestively with a young man...a very nice the crowd,at her concert...Are you sure it wasn't you,doing a Stars in your Eyes.??? Lol.
11 Aug, 2010
Oh Bloomer, my secret is out.....I'm a closet Ga ga Ga lookalikey.....and he was rather nice wasn't he? Ha ha ha! :~))
11 Aug, 2010
<wolf whistle>
May I suggest an idea for your next show, Flori? Wearable Clems!
11 Aug, 2010
I've just had a look at Tom duck's photo again..sniff.. he was lovely wasn't he , and now you've all forgotten him. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that you are all shallow:-((
12 Aug, 2010
Ohhh no Ba, not shallow, just forgetful! May I remind you of those glorious Somerset days when we discussed everything except gardening? Like negligees, didgeridoos, rolfie, ugg boots, superglue, elvis, and I could go on and on and on......
12 Aug, 2010
Never a day goes by when I don't stand and allow a minutes silence to honour the great Tom Duck, Ba. I was almost traumatised beyond reason when his young life was so cruelly taken by 'She who must not be named' molars chomping his life juice from his tender red can see that I am just as affected even now.....sob...sob...gulp!
'Old man's beard' eh Pip? That's the common name for Clems, somehow it just doesn't give you the same kind of image, does it???LOL! Will talk it over with my head of costume design and get back to you......hahaha :~))
12 Aug, 2010
Okay everyone, let's honour the object of poor Ba's care with a final one minutes silence - ready? GO!
12 Aug, 2010
Oh hang on, my stopwatch just ran out out of batteries. Right, sod that idea!
12 Aug, 2010
Synchronisation would be nigh on impossible Pip. I think you'd cheat anyway, we here would be silent, but you would probably be laughing, callously. :-( Flori you alone show real emotion and I know you share my pain, thank you for sharing:-)
13 Aug, 2010
I'm filling up even as i type, Ba, I might even have to go to professional help to get over this tragic senseless loss of such a perfect genetic mutant Tom such as he,(stop sniggering, Pippin!). I would lower my flag to half mast, if I had one that is, he is still much missed! I know I shouldn't say it, but I hope he repeated on 'R' often......(It's just my grief talking.....)lol! :~))x
13 Aug, 2010
real emotion? <callous laugh>
16 Aug, 2010
16 Aug, 2010
<callous laugh again>
16 Aug, 2010 anomaly!!!
16 Aug, 2010
It's all that surf, sea and sand that does it, Ba, Pip just not made up of the finer sensibilities that us British lot are~here's a little eulogy I composed to the late 'Tom Duck', whilst in my mourning of his memory:
Oh Tom, oh Tom,now you have gone, your light has now grown dim,
Found on a vine, you were so fine, not like some come from a tin.
You made us smile, for a little while, and speculate your birth,
no 'normal' tom, could you have been a spacetom, visiting Earth?
Now no more, our grief we pour, cos your ending, by digestion,
is there afterlife, for our Tom Duck, indeed, that is the question.....? :~(((
Think I need to have a lie down now.....I am overcome.....(gulp)!
16 Aug, 2010
Flori, you're amazing!!!! Have never met anyone as clever as you!!!!
Ba, you are so right :o)
17 Aug, 2010
Just what are you after, our Pip???? lol! Am glad you enjoyed the eulogy of a fine upstanding tomato, as our Tom D, Think poor Ba, is still wrung out over his loss...poor soul....
17 Aug, 2010
Upstanding, I think, is not the word Flori! Lying down or at least digested would cut the mustard. He's probably floating in a sewer somewhere, enjoying a bath.
17 Aug, 2010
Well, must admit, upstanding would probably be a bit of a struggle to something that has a rounded end, but you know what I mean! He was well and truly masticated, poor soul, he has gone to a better place...tomato!
17 Aug, 2010
Lol... ah well I'm off to eat brekky now, nite nite to you Flori! Give Raff a pat from me :o)
17 Aug, 2010
I'm off to my bed...zzzzzz! Have a good day! Give Franny an ear rub from Raff, and a tummy scratch from me! Night night Pip zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
17 Aug, 2010
Beautiful eulogy Flori, well crafted:-)
17 Aug, 2010
Hello Ba! I'm chuffed you liked our 'Tom's' eulogy, we still keep him in our thoughts, even if he is now long gone.....a moments silence to reflect I think....
17 Aug, 2010
How long was that moment again?
19 Aug, 2010
Pippin, you are incorrigible! What ever are we going to do with you? Suggestions in alphabetical order!
19 Aug, 2010
A is for Asphyxiation... grab your pillows Flori!
B is for Bungee Jump! Buy me a voucher next birthday - not!
C is for Confined spaces, got a spare birdcage?
D is for Darkness - not that Im scared of it, but just provide toe-stubbing material!
E is for Elephant stampede!
F is for Floribunda....
G is for Grubs, like when Mum found 17 in one pot once!
H is for Heights,or Helicopter rides... get those vouchers out again Flori!
I is for Iceberg Lettuce - ew!
J is for Jelly that won't set because I put papaya, kiwifruit and pineapple in it.
K is for an unnamed friend with an irritating laugh, just lock me in a room with her and a joke book and watch me go insane!!!
L is for Lego, just watch me get frustrated when I lose a bit!
M is for Manic Magic Caarpet Ride - hellloooo Spritz!
N is for NEEDLES! Arrrrrgh!
O is for One Brick Short of a Load - that's me!
P is for Pippin and other ridiculous names, like...
Q is for Que, this name I invented for myself when I was little - cause maximum embarrassment forme by using it, if you must!
R is for Rabid dog, and Raffles... coincidence???
S is for Spiders <shiver>
T is for Tents, when the sides sag in a downpour :oP
U is for Umbrellas, which I can't use without breaking them!
V is for Vipers [or snakes of any description]
W is for Wooden Spoon - enough said!
X is for Xylophone, which can cause hours of excruciation if played.
Y is for Yellow, or any colour in fact, which I have to use excessively in cross-stitch! You get a bit sick of the one colour after awhile!
Z is for Zebra Ride, without a saddle - just ruined street cred with that one! I'm running out of ideas!
21 Aug, 2010
Are you at a loose end Pip my dear? Hope whoever you want wins today:-)
21 Aug, 2010
You will have to see my blog to find out Ba :o)
22 Aug, 2010
Well, I for one am impressed by your alphabetical ingenuity, Pip! Well done!!! lolx
22 Aug, 2010
finally, my creative genius is recognised, Flori, thanks! It took me ages - I was on the work computer too! Don't tell the boss ;o)
22 Aug, 2010
What's it worth?
23 Aug, 2010
Not much :o(((
23 Aug, 2010
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Tomato F1 Beefeater Seeds
£4.25 at Suttons Seeds -
Tomato Shirley F1 10 Seeds
£2.99 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Tomato Italian Tomato Seed Collection
£4.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Tomato F1 Tumbler Seeds
£2.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Tomato Country Taste Seeds Cordon
£2.99 at Unwins
Wow,Ba,that is so different...I thought it looked like a balloon ..well,I would wouldn't I? Lol. hope it tastes as good as it looks,..let us know ...:o)
6 Jul, 2010