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Mangifera indica - Mango

Mangifera indica - Mango (Mangifera indica - Mango)

Small mangoes developing on this tree at Quail Botanical Gardens.
July 6, 2010.

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Yum they look like they will be nice and juicy ...: ~ >

7 Jul, 2010



It's just water from the heavy drizzle (very unusual for this time of year) which was falling when I was at Quail B.G. It'll be a few months before these mangoes ripens yet.

7 Jul, 2010


MMMMM..... I'm drooling here! To have your own mango tree....true luxury!

27 Aug, 2010


Stunning pic with the water drops....yum!

27 Aug, 2010



Yes, it is wonderful to have a mango tree in one's yard! I had one until it was shaded out by other trees and plants...then it died. : > ( I'll biuy another one soon.

27 Aug, 2010



Thanks! It was very unusual for it to be drizzling in the beginning of July.

27 Aug, 2010


Wish it was 'unusual' here.....

27 Aug, 2010

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