17 Jul, 2010
1 of my new plants i have just purchased, just coming into bloom..
Comments on this photo
I love these, which one is it, Fp ?
18 Jul, 2010
Ron, our Neighbour next door to us, is such a lovely man, he blamed himself
for attracting the Deer... every night regularly, he puts out carrots, cabbage,
all types of veg, just like myself loves all Wildlife. well, they have started
wandering, into my garden, so you know the rest...Well, he has put up a large
fence, that he used to have, before he erected his iron fence, so now it has solved the problem!! So it looks like i will have my plants back now : ~ ))
Its `purpurea Louise, so glad you love it, so do i : ~ ))
18 Jul, 2010
Yes me I keep meaning to get but forget...:o(( Shall enjoy looking at yours Fp...:o)
18 Jul, 2010
Ahhh.. that is so sweet of you Janey...oh! by the way feeling much better
now, it was so nice of you, to wish me well....: ~ )))
18 Jul, 2010
That is a beauty Fp, sorry you havent been well byt good you are recovering now;0)
20 Jul, 2010
Aww..thank you Pp...i did have a very bad cold a little while ago, which
left me with a chesty cough, much better now, so nice of you to comment
about it...: ~ )))
20 Jul, 2010
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That look as if it will be nice when fully opened, hope the deer you have come in your garden don't take a fancy to it LOL
18 Jul, 2010