Guess Who.......
By Milky
- 23 Jul, 2010
Trust me my friends....he has moved during the course of the year but old SP is back in the usual position........
Comments on this photo
Oh Bless !! He's been working too hard !
23 Jul, 2010
He never moves far girls...but he us settling in the shade now.......ha ha ha
23 Jul, 2010
Lovely to see him again Milky , I had been more than a little worried about him for some time ...:o)))
23 Jul, 2010
Please dont disturb him Milky he is a picture of a very contended and cossited hubby! lol
23 Jul, 2010
Was getting worried as we had not seen OH for some time, wondered if he might have been under the concrete, good to have him back where he belongs......!!!
23 Jul, 2010
Lol Dottydaisy under the CONCRETE !!! she would nt need to do that just cover him in a bit of earth on top and use him for a raised bed Milky could grow more flowers then, one way of getting her flower beds lol.
24 Jul, 2010
Ah bless, reading those magazines must have been exhausting! :)
24 Jul, 2010
Such hard work being a man isnt it girls.........Lol
24 Jul, 2010
Brilliant, at least he has the sense to keep in the shade Milky, he must have worked so hard bless him.
24 Jul, 2010
Sixpence you do make me laugh......
24 Jul, 2010
Oh Maureen, I've missed seeing 'Sleeping Partner' in his favourite pose. I'm just envious, wish I was that relaxed.
24 Jul, 2010
Thank you Dottydaisy laugh and the world laughs with you as the saying goes. :o)))
24 Jul, 2010
Dont worry girls....update poses to follow at later dates he he he
25 Jul, 2010
I think he's lost a bit of weight Maureen, lol.
25 Jul, 2010
Lol Maureen, and Lol Dawn, what eating all those doughnuts I don't think so hehe.
25 Jul, 2010
He's off the peanuts though, lol, lol, bless him, bet his ears are burning.
25 Jul, 2010
I bet they are too Dawn haha yes off peanuts but gone to doughnuts lol.
25 Jul, 2010
Don't know what's worse Six, peanuts vs doughnuts .... he certainly enjoys the high calorie food - dont we all.
25 Jul, 2010
I m more a veg person lol or fruit in hot weather. Yes too much of one thing no good for you.
25 Jul, 2010
I love veg and fruit too Six and everything else really ;-)
25 Jul, 2010
lol Dawn . :o)))
25 Jul, 2010
Ha cut out the food talk girls or he will hear you.....Lol
26 Jul, 2010
Hehe haha Maureen shh Dawn don't mention that f... word.
26 Jul, 2010
Lol, the F word. We're trying to cut down, its hard work.
26 Jul, 2010
Just drink a cuppa when you feel hungry and eat at the same time each day, don't eat 3 hours before going to bed.
26 Jul, 2010
Are you Rosemary Conley in disguise??????........
27 Jul, 2010
OOoo you found me out. lol
27 Jul, 2010
She's got a toy boy you know ...... Rosmary Conley.
2 Aug, 2010
Lol Dawn , see Maureen Ive beaten you to a toy boy hehe
2 Aug, 2010
Ha ha ha You are more than welcome 6d......They are too much maintanance.....This 1 Ive got just snoozes so I can do my own thing.....Lol
2 Aug, 2010
Lol Maureen don't blame you, its a bit like me living alone come and go as you please.
2 Aug, 2010
You two make me laugh, I dont want a toy boy either, got enough on with the man I have already.
3 Aug, 2010
rxactly Dawn........quite enough thankyou.....
3 Aug, 2010
carnt fault him
10 Aug, 2010
Wanna bet Bromley......
11 Aug, 2010
YES!!! Milky, this is what I was looking for... haven't chatted w you for a while on here, but I knew you wouldn't let me down with these halarious shots of your hubby!!! I love them!
30 Sep, 2010
Ha ha ha Glad Im keeping you happy then Tastyg....
1 Oct, 2010
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i was only thinking we hadnt had a good pic of OH maureen and here he is in all his glory ;o))) lol
23 Jul, 2010