Unamed Daylily 1
By Simbad

24 Jul, 2010
Put a picture on of this a couple of days ago too quite star shaped and a completely different yellow to today, as the day went on today the petals started to twist and curl, really love this one, haven't got one quite this colour, after seeing all these beauties grown from seed definitely going to have a go at crossing some of mine next year:-)
Comments on this photo
Nice lemony yellow, have a feeling mine are going to open similar to these;0)
24 Jul, 2010
Beautiful colour
24 Jul, 2010
Thankyou :-)
Yes Sixpence this is the one I was going to call Starfish,lol, may have to change its name looks completely different today.
Hope so Carole its a lovely colour:-)
24 Jul, 2010
Lol you will have to call it rain drops and waves as the edges seem to be wavey with the rain drops falling from it.
24 Jul, 2010
Wow, how exciting having a go at cross pollinating, how clever, good luck, I'm sure you'll get some beauties.
25 Jul, 2010
Hope so Dawn:-)
Been planting a few of these on allotment today they're really pot bound and needed to go out, huge root systems, keeping my fingers crossed as found one thats about to flower that had a label in the pot just said 'Lake Effect' and prol? wondered if that meant prolific? nothing saying it was a cross, just searched it on tinkers gardens and it is a real beauty, heres hoping:-)
25 Jul, 2010
That sounds very clever Kathy , fingers crossed for you .. :o)
26 Jul, 2010
I hope it turns out to be the one you're hoping for Kathy, so exciting. I need to pot some out but with this lack of rain I darent. At least in pots they can be watered easily.
26 Jul, 2010
Quite easy to do Amy but you have to be out there early in the morning as soon as the flowers open, so you can get in there before the bees,lol.
Yes most of mine are still in pots Dawn,near the hose,lol, but the daylilies are pretty tough,we've been promised rain today, doesn't look much like it at the moment though.
Collected your Angelica seed yesterday, will pop in the post sometime this week :-))
27 Jul, 2010
Hi Simbad, only just read your message, the rest is history ......... lol. I moved some day lilies to the pond area when it was very hot a few weeks ago and I've kept them watered but not religiously and I'm amazed how they've grown new leaves and are alive.
1 Aug, 2010
Amaze me to Dawn, I had one this year, a new one only one fan that got snapped right at the ground by my nephews playing football, thought I'd lost it only one 2inch piece of root left on it but cut the flower stem off:-( and leaves back by half, replanted not thinking it would regrow, but worth a try, that was May had a couple of flowers on the other day !!!
2 Aug, 2010
They are brilliant, who would have thought that, hide the football next time they come, lol.
3 Aug, 2010
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very pretty...
24 Jul, 2010