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Trailing Begonias


By Lily2

Trailing Begonias

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Wow Lily what do you feed them on?????

25 Jul, 2010


stunning trough lily ;o))

26 Jul, 2010


Thanks Sandra and Denise. They only get the same feed as all my other plants, slow release granules when planting and then liquid feed when I think of it! They were huge last year and even bigger this year. It's a mainly north facing aspect so maybe that's why they grow so big? None of my other plants grow like this!!

26 Jul, 2010


Hi Lily, although I am pleased with my baskets and tubs this year, I forgot the slow release grans and although I never forget to feed/water I think they are not as good as usual

26 Jul, 2010


how lovely.. you have done a good job with them Lily...

26 Jul, 2010


Blimey Lily they are magic, must be the granules that make them grow so big ! !
How many plants you got in that box ?

27 Jul, 2010


Incredibly stunning!!

28 Jul, 2010


I sometimes forget the granules too Denise and then I can't remember which container's got them or not so they all get the same liquid feeds. Could be why some do better than others!
Thanks Joanella and Gardengnome, I'm very pleased with them especially as they were freebies with a mail order last year.
Hi Val, about 8 plants I think. Last year when I planted the corms they were about 1 1/2" and at the end of the year the pale pink one at the back was about 6" across!! When I replanted I got out that trusty old breadknife and chopped it into 4 4 even bigger you're dead right, they ARE magic!

28 Jul, 2010


Lily when you cut in to four did you put any thing on the cut ,like a fungicide ?

30 Jul, 2010


No I was very naughty, had no idea what I should do! Just cut it up and planted straight away! LOL

31 Jul, 2010


All I can say is you must have magic green fingers, when I did that, rot set in !
and I used fungiside ! :0)))

31 Jul, 2010


Well what can I say Val? some of us have it and some don't! LOL

1 Aug, 2010


WOnderful show of begonias. I dug mine out and shoved them into a tray in the greenhouse. DOn't know if they will survive.

9 Jan, 2011


These grew even bigger and were trailing on the ground, I had to keep staking the upper parts but eventually I gave up as it became impossible to keep up with them. The corms are in trays in my shed too, hope it's not been too cold for them :o(

10 Jan, 2011


I pottered about in the greenhouse yesterday and cleared up some of the dead leaves and watered some of the dry pots. It's a fine balance at this time of the year as you can underwater or overwater, and with the lack of sun it doesn't help either.

11 Jan, 2011


Yes Linda it's very difficult when it's so gloomy all the time, so easy for things to get mildew. I'm trying to put things outside for some fresh air when it's not so cold but the danger is that I forget to bring them in when it's frosty. :o(

12 Jan, 2011


with having a small greenhouse and garden now I don't need so many geraniums and fuschias. I really enjoy growing from cuttings and keeping them over the winter and planting out in the spring, BUT it makes me wonder if it's better to just buy some new plants rather than heat the greenhouse all winter.

13 Jan, 2011


You're probably right but if you get a lot of enjoyment out of taking cuttings then that makes it worthwhile. Time to switch off the greenhouse heater when it becomes a bit of a chore maybe?

13 Jan, 2011

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