new path way
By Cristina
- 4 Aug, 2010
Comments on this photo
You have given a quite different touch to it Cristina.Nice job.
13 Aug, 2010
thanks ladies
13 Aug, 2010
Your garden seems massive, so many parts:-)
22 Aug, 2010
haha born , its not really , just lots of windy paths takeing you around , garden is 150 x 70 , most of it on the side.
22 Aug, 2010
That's quite big Cristine, wish mine was that big:-)
23 Aug, 2010
do you think so lol . how big is ur garden . we have xtened it a bit . choped loads of trees down . got lots of wood 4 log burner now. x
23 Aug, 2010
You have a lovely garden Cristina with good planting and good ideas. Been browsing through some of your photos.
27 Aug, 2010
Mine is a funny shape (garden that is) the bottom is on the diagonal sort of ,which makes the right hand fence longer than the left hand fence. The right hand fence is about 52 feet long, the left somewhat shorter and I think it's only 30 odd feet wide. Lindak I'm trying to catch up on pics too:-)
27 Aug, 2010
thanks lin, have you piked up any ideas huns lol. and thank to born, as well ,ur garden is a gud size then hun, think its better wen its an odd shape. u can make interesting little areas .
27 Aug, 2010
I only have a small flat garden now but am trying to make it interesting Cristina.
29 Aug, 2010
sometimes i think u can do more wth a small plot , in a big 1 u have to spread it out and its xpensive , i like thchallenge of smaller
some 1 i know split there garden into a x wth a path , then used trellis to make rooms ,put a pond in 1 sect. patio in another ,and so on , it looked lovely. and u had to move around to look at itall. xx
29 Aug, 2010
The Japanese maples are beginning to grow now and the climbing rose that I bought at the end of last year has nearly reached the top of the fence so will spread that out sideways next year.
31 Aug, 2010
they sound nice are there pics hun ,i will <3
31 Aug, 2010
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Nice :o)
4 Aug, 2010