The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Unknown plant


By Janette

Unknown plant

Bought this little plant at an open garden some weeks ago it had no label It is a tiny little flower and seems to like shade The leaves are prickly

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What a soft Blue :)

19 May, 2008


dont know what it is , but i do like the colour

19 May, 2008


what a lovely flower, i hope you find out what it is so I can keep an eye out for one myself!

19 May, 2008


It is lovely,
someone here must know what it is !

25 May, 2008


I do hope so Xela

25 May, 2008


Is it mecanopsis, have a look at photo 99 in the shady plants section.
Lynne x

23 Aug, 2008


Thanks Lynne ,

24 Aug, 2008


Lynne, sorry to disagree but I think the petals on this are more pointed than those of a Mecanopsis. It looks more like the flower of a campanula to me, but Janet says the leaves are prickly.
Do the leaves we can see in the foreground belong to this plant, Janet, or are they primula leaves ?

24 Aug, 2008


Awwww, what a shame, I thought the mystery had been solved, Oh well, lol.
Lynne x

24 Aug, 2008


It seems this pretty blue flower is awaiting positive identification.
Anyone want to have a try?
Janette has photographed it well.

24 Aug, 2008


Grammazoo gave me the name of this a while back its a Borage

24 Aug, 2008

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