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Lysimachia fortunei

Lysimachia fortunei (Lysimachia fortunei)

I found this plant today - it's going to replace some more pink geraniums. It may well spread, but that's fine by me!

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I like, is it similar in size to ephemerum?

8 Aug, 2010


It isn't in its pot, but I googled it and it appears to grow a little shorter when it's mature.

8 Aug, 2010


thanks, will put it on favs so I don't forget it's name LOL

9 Aug, 2010


It's either do that - or go and get a notebook, isn't it! I can never find one when I need it, either. :-((

9 Aug, 2010



10 Aug, 2010


I do like your collection of stachys Spritz. Didnt know there were so many varieties. I love the Firecracker but its a bit of a do these others measure up...the monierii (spelling) and the pink version and this?

11 Oct, 2010've confused me, Tetra. I think you might mean Lysimachia.

Yes, 'Firecracker' drives me potty, but I dig up some each year. I have L. punctata, the yellow peril, which is an absolute terror for spreading, L. clethroides, the 'goose-necked' one, which does spread too, but not a thug, this new one which as yet is unknown, one called L. 'Candela' which is a beauty - the leaves go deep red in autumn, and last but not least, L. ephemerum, which Grindle says isn't a spreader. Phew! That took some brain-work! lol.

11 Oct, 2010


Thanks for your answer to a cockamamie question and the time you gave to it Spritz.
Duh! if I werent such a dimwit at present I would rewrite it as it should be, but you have answered so nicely, I wont trouble you, specially as Im feeling beat now and will probly get it wrong again! lol!

12 Oct, 2010


Oh dear. Ask again when your brain doesn't hurt, Tetra! lol.

12 Oct, 2010

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This photo is of species Lysimachia fortunei.

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This photo is of "Lysimachia fortunei" in Spritzhenry's garden

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