The Garden Today
By Dawnsaunt

8 Aug, 2010
Comments on this photo
Thanks Michaella. Its been warm here but not particularly sunny for a few weeks so it was nice to get a bit of early morning sunshine.
8 Aug, 2010
Looks lovely look at your lush lawns and Bonnie too enojoying her walk.
8 Aug, 2010
Bonnie was saying, "Come on". lol. The lawns were brown in patches a couple of weeks ago but we've had a few showers thankfully now.
8 Aug, 2010
Poor Bonnie so patient too she seems a brilliant friend to you. Yes it poured down here in the afternoon yesterday, scorching hot and humid today. I have nt got much of a lawn so it would nt affect mine as I want it to go any way.
8 Aug, 2010
Lawns are a pain arent they. Bonnie is a good friend until she decides to wonder beyond the garden, lol. Lot of showers here yesterday but like you say, very warm and sunny today and lots or horse flies bugging me. Still trying to smash clay around the pond, grrr, so much to do.
8 Aug, 2010
Yes they are lovely to look at but can be a pain, I can't do the lawn so best it goes. Lol with Bonnie a typical dog likes their wonder to where they really want to go not where we want them to go lol, the sniffs etc. Cant you mix some compost to brake up the clay a bit to make it easier. Would nt like to have a load of work in this heat.
8 Aug, 2010
Im going to have some more muck delivered for the beds but the clay around the pond covers such a large area, hard to explain and its solid. Yes, Bonnie gets the scent of something and she's away, frightens me though in case she gets lost.
8 Aug, 2010
They are good sniffer dogs they are working dogs should be ok could nt see her getting lost. Yes it is a big area, I do understand.
8 Aug, 2010
Lovely hi Bonnie, we have had our daily rain here yet again, every day for over a month or more its done nothing but rain, get a bit of sunshine now and then but most of time if its not raining its dull :((
9 Aug, 2010
Hi Six, that's the problem I think, Bonnie gets the scent of something and nose down to the ground and she's away. Its just when she goes across the fields behind us, she could end up going down someones garden and onto the road.
Hi Carol, not more rain, poor you. It's hard to believe the difference in the weather we're getting. Yes, we have had showers but no real rain, you must be sick to death of it. Do you still have your hosepipe ban, lol.
9 Aug, 2010
Looks lovely Dawn:-)
These labradors,lol, we've been trying to rest Fudges bad leg, but found out from someone on the allotments at the bottom of the garden that he's been taking himself for a walk !!!, found a way out somewhere, like you its a bit of a worry as there is a busy road quite near, of course if you follow him he knows you're watching and doesn't do it.
9 Aug, 2010
i love seeing bonnie reminds me of my sheba ;o))
9 Aug, 2010
Hi Sandra, you must miss Sheba alot.
Oh Kathy, nightmare these dogs, lol. Has Fudge got over his stings :-( Sorry to hear he has a bad leg.
Bonnie's like Fudge, she never runs off just seems to vanish, lol. Sometimes I'm going mad trying to find her and she'll appear out of the back door.
9 Aug, 2010
Your lawn is looking great Dawn .. ours has taken all summer to recover from the scarifying job we did on it in the spring , it's looking better now after some rain .. Bonnies is keeping guard , it's her house and she knows it ! :o)
10 Aug, 2010
Your garden is looking fantastic Dawn........
10 Aug, 2010
thanx dawn i do miss her even after so many years, would love another dog but baz doesnt do dogs lol, so casper will have to do ,,, aww poor casper haha, love him to bits ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
Lovely garden Dawn, going straight to Favs :o)))
11 Aug, 2010
Thank you for your kind comments.
16 Aug, 2010
Dawn that's never all your garden surely ,it looks amazing do you have help with it ???
2 Sep, 2010
Oh this is so beautiful, what an entrance Dawn.....
25 Sep, 2010
Hi Margaret, no I dont get any help with the actual gardening. Husband mows and does DIY etc.
Dotty: This is the back of the house. The drive leads to the garage which is now a shed. We dont really need the drive, could be lawned but its useful when we have deliveries for the garden.
27 Sep, 2010
Dawn it's a credit to you,i just no how you fit it all in,what have you been up to since our last chat? have you started planting your blue bells in the wood yet?? i went to local garden centre yesterday i bought clematis jackmanii, a climber called parthenocissus and a Sloane,and pansy's primulas cycle and some ornamental cabbages, so im a happy bunny LOL
28 Sep, 2010
hello Margaret, well since our last chat I've not really stopped, dont want to bore you with the details but today I've been potting on my cuttings taken in the Summer and re-potting seedlings and moving plants into the greenhouse.
I set the bluebells in the Spring so hopefully they'll be appearing next Spring :-)
Clematis jackmanii sound fab, lovely big flowers :-) The chinese virginia creeper will be wonderful too as will your other plants. I'm pleased you are smiling x
28 Sep, 2010
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lovely garden....
8 Aug, 2010