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Carotts in Planters


By Crissue

Carotts in Planters

THis is my fourth Planter of carotts, a first time try this year with limited space, and i'm still growing....The beauty of growing this way is no pests, but just remembering to water and fertilise regularly....Also I can continue the crop in our small Sun room through the Winter....The produce I've had so far, has been sweet and really tasty, and I haven't let them get too big...Just pull them when needed.

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Good idea :o)

15 Aug, 2010


it is a good idea, and as I get a free Planter I set some more seeds...I did another yesterday, and I pulled enough to have with Sunday lunch, and they are delicious, and so sweet, and Carrot foliage is not ugly so blends in quite well.....The tops go to the Chickens, and our nothing gets wasted.

16 Aug, 2010


Thats what I used to do until my grandson built me a small raised bed for veggies. So now I grow my carrots there, and runnerbeans and beetroot

18 Aug, 2010


We have got a small Veg Plot, but there never seems to be enough room for all that we want to grow....and eat...It might be me, but they seem to grow faster in Planters.....

18 Aug, 2010


Do you think so, perhaps I'll try another lot in a planter and put it in my little greenhouse, as I think it is starting to get a lot cooler at night now.

18 Aug, 2010

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