Lythrum Salicaria ' Robin '
By Amy
- 20 Aug, 2010
3 new plants ......
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I've beeen buying them in threes San . so that they spread out into nice sized groups , the garden was a little itty bitty that side , one of this and one of that so i'm getting it organised ready for next year ... :o)
20 Aug, 2010
arr i see why now amy, im sure it will look fab ;o))
20 Aug, 2010
I think I have this Amy. I was confused as I grew purple loosestrife last year and this year but they are different, last year's must have been Robin - much smaller flowers and plants, arent they. Lovely by the way, they say you should set in 3's dont they, never 2's,lol.
20 Aug, 2010
Lovely Amy....we were looking at these yesterday, they were on the way to the GC....forgot to go back and buy one...:o( they'll look great so pretty!
20 Aug, 2010
I lke these too Amy, Im trying to bulk my plants by grouping together, started with the dog daisies and hope increase my Veronicas next, just a little at a time ' I was going to ask you about the pink meconopsis, do you grow new each year or do they self seed?
20 Aug, 2010
I have the purple loosestrife Dawn it is much taller and finished flowering some time ago , I've actually set these next to the loosestrife so that one lot of flowers will take over from the next , these are smaller as you say only about 18" tall ....
Never mind Janey , you will be able to get one next time you pass ...:o)
You can't do it all at once can you Carol , we start by doing one small area at a time and then wait to see the results ...... The pink poppies do seed themselves Carol , we usually have them popping up all over but you can save your seed as well to be sure to get some ..... good luck :o)
20 Aug, 2010
they are useful Amy, my purple loosestrife are still flowering well but they were new plants. I'll try and save some of the smaller plant seeds Janey.
20 Aug, 2010
Oooh.. nice new purchases, Amy :o)
29 Aug, 2010
Thanks TT ... . we will appreciate them better next year ...:o)
29 Aug, 2010
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This photo is of "Lythrum Salicaria ' Robin ' " in Amy's garden
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more new plants amy lol, very nice, is 3 your lucky number, think the last ones were 3 to ;o)))
20 Aug, 2010