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Cuphea ignea


By Meanie

Cuphea ignea (Cuphea ignea (Cigar Flower))

I was just sorting my photo files out and found a couple of pics from my visit to the botanical gardens in Oxford a few days ago that I forgot to post when I put the others up.
If anyone knows what this plant is or anything about it I'd love to know more!

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sorry Dear I can't help you.

25 Aug, 2010


That was quick!
You missed a few gems (the plants I mean) whilst you were away Yorkshire!

25 Aug, 2010


do you mean the one's you put on, if so I will go in and take a look.

25 Aug, 2010


Yeah - I got really carried away!!!

25 Aug, 2010



Great close up!

This plant is overly used as a sub-shrub here. It blooms heavily all year and spreads like wild fire. It's call Cuphea ignea - Mexican Cigar plant.

I've posted pics of this plant several times on GoY...and it's available in hundred of varieties now....just like the other common Cuphea hyssopifolia which naturalizes very quickly also.

25 Aug, 2010


Thank you Delonix.
I think it's a little gem of a bloom, but little chance of it naturalizing here!!

25 Aug, 2010



You're probably 99.9% correct. They need a very mild climate to grow all year and naturalize.

26 Aug, 2010


If it's reasonably fast growing maybe I could source some seed.

26 Aug, 2010



Yes, it's fast growing and considered short-lived...but I've seen some shrubs which have been growing in Balboa Park for more than 10 years.

In colder climates it's usually grown as an annual.

26 Aug, 2010


Since I've edited with you id Delonix, there are now seeds to the right of the page!! How easy was that.

26 Aug, 2010



They produce many seeds...that's the reason why they naturalize so easily.
: > )

26 Aug, 2010

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This photo was taken at The University of Oxford Botanic Garden.

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