The shrubbery in front of the house.
By Goringfolly

23 May, 2008
This area has now reached it's best with everything arranged in size.
A bamboo and Lilac at the back. Fatsia Japonica, Eleagnus, Choisya Ternata, Buddlia and Viburnum in the midddle. Nearer the front , Skimmia, Hydrangea, Peony, Artimesia and |Euphorbias. In front of all these are Ice plants, Ladies Mantle, Primroses, Grape Hyacinths, London Pride, Chastophyllum, Aquilegia and Lily of the valley. All gown in shade or partial shade.
Comments on this photo
Beautiful ! A lot of texture and color.
23 May, 2008
You've created a great looking evergreen garden bed. Everything looks like it's very healthy and flourishing.
24 May, 2008
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An impressive display of plants and shrubs.
23 May, 2008