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fushcia cuttings


By Sanbaz

fushcia cuttings

rooted these through summer and in pots now, have buds, maybe i should remove them but cant bare to lol, hope they survive winter inside this year

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Just planted or have they rooted and are new plants?

11 Sep, 2010


like i say under picture Alexandramou, i rooted through summer and now iv planted them into pots ;o)) so new plants

11 Sep, 2010


oopps sorry, didn't see that...too busy looking at the new plants. I'm going to try making some new ones too.

11 Sep, 2010


lol Alex,,, thats ok i do it to lol, i did them later last year and couldnt keep them alive through winter with no greenhouse thats why i tried earlier this year in hope they would do better in the house, will see,,, fingers crossed

11 Sep, 2010


lol... I will try two cutting and see how they do...If not I will try spring time again. Will let you know how it all goes.

11 Sep, 2010


good luck, will keep my eyes peeled ;o))

11 Sep, 2010


Well done San, I tried some in water, result ------ nil ! :0((

11 Sep, 2010


thanx val, mine took about 3 weeks to get good roots, has to be quite a soft cutting rather than older stem from what i can see, sorry yours didnt take val ;o(

11 Sep, 2010


Ah....yours have buds too San...I did take the one off mine, as I wanted it to grow sturdier.....looking forward to it next year...:o)

11 Sep, 2010


Good Job San!!

11 Sep, 2010


thanx janey im going to remove the buds i think, like you say grows sturdier, i feel cruel doing it though lol ;o)
thanx karen ;o)

11 Sep, 2010


Grin and bear it San, it will be worth it ....I didn't do that to my baby fuchsias, but they weren't cuttings, they were just young plants so that's ok!!

12 Sep, 2010


okidoki cheers karen ;o))

12 Sep, 2010


will have a go too . wot do u do x

16 Sep, 2010


i take cuttings and root in water, rain water if poss but tap is ok, once rooted i pot them up, keep them inside over winter and hope for the best cristina ;o))

16 Sep, 2010


def gona do that today hun thanks xx

16 Sep, 2010


YW cristina, good luck ;o)) x

16 Sep, 2010


ta hun x

16 Sep, 2010

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