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One of my coldframes I use for protecting cuttings on my nursery

One of my coldframes I use for  protecting cuttings on my nursery

I use this coldframe which measures approximately 1o feet by 3 feet by 18 inches high to protect newly taken cuttings . The blue plants are the conifer "boulevard" and the other plants in blue boxes are evergreen cotoneaster. Both of these are probably the easiest thing to root on my nursery.

The circular pots contain 7-10 cuttings of fuchsia,hydrangea,philadelphus and honeysuckle.

I paint the underside of the polythene covered tops of my cold frames with white emulsion paint which helps shade the plants. Also shade turns the boulevard plants a lovely deep shade of blue and makes them more saleable. Taken in May Boulevard will root in about 4 weeks but can be taken any time from May to september but the later they are taken the longer they take to root.. I take cotoneaster in late july to mid august they root in about 3-4 weeks. I overwinter them in the coldframe and pot up to 1 litre pots in mid April put them outside and sell them as soon as they come into flower which is usually the first or second week in May. The knack is to pot things up about 3 weeks before they are due to be sold. That way they require minimal weeding ,no additional fertiliser and will be in perfect condition at the point of sale

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That's a clever trick A/man ......

13 Sep, 2010


now thats a nice coldframe

14 Sep, 2010


Very professional AM, wish I could get that organised on a smaller scale!

16 Sep, 2010


Great info Anchorman......I could really do with a cold frame, saying that though my greenhouse is one large cold-frame all winter.....shan't be heating it with paraffin was too expensive....:o((

20 Sep, 2010


They're very easy to make. This large one tool me not much longer than an hour to build

20 Sep, 2010


Can I ask you Anchorman do you know if you would take cuttings of Artemisia Powis castle now....I've tried them before in a mixture of compost sand and grit but had no results, and would love some more plants for next year..

21 Sep, 2010


Hi Janey,

I've never tried cuttings from Artemisia but after a quick google it says they're easy using the stndard just below a node technique

Having said that whenever a book says "easy" propagation I struggle. I do have problems with grey leaved cuttings such as lavender. I guess it is all about the watering and exact time of year and maturity of the stem taken for the cutting.

When I first became a nurseryman in 1988 I took cuttings of loads of stuff every month of the year and kept records of the best times to do it. I found from this that there generally is a best time but that many cuttings will take over a much wider range than the books tell you. Boulevard for example will take virtually all year around but May to July is best.

Sorry I can't be more help on this but if you do have some success please let me know because I wouldn't mind trying some myself


21 Sep, 2010


Thanks Alan....I'll have a look at that...:o) We have had lots of success with Lavenders, my hubby Ian has some beautiful French Lavender standards with softwood cuttings taken in the Spring and that was the time of year I tried the Artemisia. I'll try some hard and softwood now and let you know if they root...meanwhile I'll find that website......thanks again.

22 Sep, 2010

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