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Polygala myrtifolia 'Bibi Pink'

Polygala myrtifolia 'Bibi Pink' (Polygala myrtifolia (Bloukappies))

I'm puzzled about this plant - I bought a Polygala last autumn, and sadly, it didn't survive the winter. This one is in full sun, and seems to be thriving so far. My puzzlement is the name, which is different to the other one, but the flowers look the same to me from photos.

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I've just bought one of these - are you growing this in the ground?
It's lovely by the way!

17 Sep, 2010


I know you did - in your convertible!!! Is yours the same? And yes, it's been in the flower bed for several months now - and in flower, too! It's grown in that time...:-)))))

17 Sep, 2010


Mines outdoors in a pot. I've read that they do best in a poor soil which seems a little strange. Mine is labelled P.myrtifollia grandiflora.
Will you lift it for the winter or let it take its' chances?

17 Sep, 2010


Don't know this plant, but it's very pretty.

17 Sep, 2010


I've just read my RHS book and I'm even more puzzled! The description of P.myrtifolia doesn't sound like this one, and it's not hardy, but the other one I had is supposed to be, and looks like this! I'm off to do a google. Back soon!

17 Sep, 2010


Back again - all the sites say it IS hardy, and the photos look like this. I think I'll leave it in the bed, and maybe give it some fleece just to be on the safe side.

17 Sep, 2010


Burncoose say down to five deg c., but I guess that they err a little on the side of caution.
This is a link to one of the sources I found.........

I think it's probably borderline hardy, so here in Oxfordshire it'll come in for the winter!

17 Sep, 2010

....they say it's hardy to -12!!! Isn't it difficult. SIGH......

17 Sep, 2010


I guess temperature isn't everything is it - there are other factors such as exposure to wind, rainfall and drainage etc.
My gut feeling for mine is that here (Oxfordshire) the odds are against it - a plant which is happier in fairly dry soil isn't going to like the cold and wind chucked in too.

17 Sep, 2010


Just to make matters worse, our local weather forecast said just now that 'Gardeners should beware tonight!'. It's a bit late to tell me that - it's pitch black out there, and my poor plants will just have to manage.

I'll get the fleece ready tomorrow, plus the hooped canes I use.:-(((

17 Sep, 2010


It's mild enough here, I shouldn't worry too much!

17 Sep, 2010


Well - there wasn't a frost. I'd have been very surprised if there had been in our mildish area. :-))

18 Sep, 2010


I checked our local five day forecast last night - 24 deg c forecast for Weds next week!

18 Sep, 2010


Good. Let's hope they're right!

18 Sep, 2010


Very pretty flower, new to me but do hope its hardy, probably wise to cover it just in case!

18 Sep, 2010


I shall, I shall, Pp! ;-/

18 Sep, 2010


We can swap notes in the spring - mine is deffo indoors up here in arctic Oxfordshire this winter!

18 Sep, 2010


Arctic? Are you being pessimistic by any chance? ;-(

18 Sep, 2010


THis is called the Polygala myrtifolia Bloukappie September Bush in South Africa....... or Sweet Pea Bush

The form 'grandiflora' is widely planted as a low to medium height hedge in Cyprus, where it flowers heavily in late spring and early summer. It is obviously well-suited to being grown in this fashion and appears to respond very well to regular trimming, forming a dense screen. In climates that support this species, it makes a most attractive evergreen hedge with mid-green leaves and showy clusters of comparatively large intense purple, pea-like flowers.

19 Oct, 2010


Yes I am pessimistic Spritz!

19 Oct, 2010


I am too, now that Rikatne4 has told me all that! Oh dear. It's flowering so well at the moment, too.

19 Oct, 2010


Mines back in the conservatory and producing new flowers!

19 Oct, 2010


Mine's in the border still!

19 Oct, 2010

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This photo is of "Polygala myrtifolia 'Bibi Pink'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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