my Alpine sink
By Maggy7
- 22 Sep, 2010
Comments on this photo
I love the miniature garden and the container.
23 Sep, 2010
Hello Maggie, your alpine trough looks very similar to the ones I made years ago. Unfortunately this winter saw the demise of the largest one ( see my blog for photo's ) but it's a project to see if I can bond the pieces back together again.
Stunning acers, my passion but nothing the size of your's as yet, superb.
23 Jan, 2011
Hi Bampy, I inherited that sink from the previous owner , he was Head Gardener at a stately home before his retirement! and he told me that it is an antique sink from that home! it could be true as when I emptied it to put new compost in, it does have the drain hole in it!
but Im sure they could be made if you have the moulds it only looks like concrete.
I think the stand spoils it though it is too high I think! but I wouldnt dare try to move it! that is why he left it he said he was afraid it would break!! my gain lol.
24 Jan, 2011
& a nice addition Maggy.
26 Jan, 2011
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hi maggy thank you posting this wonderful picture , i have loads of ideas will post pictures this weekend :)))
23 Sep, 2010