Alaska Blueberries
By Greenthumb

23 Sep, 2010
Just a peak at all the blueberries I found. I had plastic shopping bags in the car so I loaded one up and barely made a dent! Our blueberries are more tart and smaller than cultivated varieties. We all agree they are better for cooking. I always make a nice thick oatmeal crumble.
Comments on this photo
Stop it, you're making my mouth water! They sound really scrumptious :)
23 Sep, 2010
They were wonderful. The crop this year started very early and they were heavy bearing. Delightful. Thanks for the commens. I'll not talk about any other dishes
23 Sep, 2010
I too love a good amount of oats in my crumble, but rolled oats of course, because that's what we tend to use here!
23 Sep, 2010
Of course! :-) I only buy the rolled oats, I prefer the whole grain rather than all the bits in the 'quick' oats much more. Now i"m craving it again myself! :-)
24 Sep, 2010
Whole Rolled Oats for me too!!! Better flavor....
24 Sep, 2010
Woot Woot! :-)
24 Sep, 2010
Oh no, now I'm hungry again! :))
24 Sep, 2010
Oh no....blueberries again. I so want a piece of deep-dish blueberry pie made with my mom's special pastry recipe. I can make the pastry but the blueberries are hard to come by (tasty, juicy ones!). My mouth is watering too :))
24 Sep, 2010
:-) If it were still season I would try and get you some.....But alas, I'm behind on my photos and this has long since past. We are already getting freezes. I had clean things down to the soil today. So sad, they never seem to see it coming, just whamoh!
25 Sep, 2010
The weather here has turned colder as well....although today it's glorious sunshine! Typical for English weather though as it can change from one extreme to the other in the same day.
GT....I've actually been browsing on GOY and there are some members who have had some success with growing blueberries and recommend a couple of different varieties so I think I'll have to have a go and see if I get Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say! You are too kind telling me if it were still the season you'd try and get me some blueberries. :)
If you've got freezing temps now it won't be long til you get the snow I guess. A busy job getting the garden ship shape for the long winter months. Keep well.
25 Sep, 2010
We've set some record highs this year, so I'm welcoming the cold a little, though its come with a biting wind that I would rather was not here. Those first falls of white are expected next week.I'm just going too have time to throw pots in the greenhouse and scatter some straw mulch. I'm bedding down beds at the nursery I work at, and that takes most of my energy for that.
I hope you find a good blueberry. GOY is a wonder, isn't it? I've seen some good bushes in members gardens. you should get a good result. Try looking for a nice short bush with tart berries, that would be most what you are looking to taste. The big Oregon bush is that mild berry that I think your not taking to.
25 Sep, 2010
Ta for the tips, GT....I'll be on the lookout for a nice bush. And I agree, GOY is a much help and lots of lovely folk too.
25 Sep, 2010
do your bushes live outside?
1 Oct, 2010
Oh yes. All wild around here. I have thought of putting some other types in the garden, but there are blueberries here aplenty during their season. Blueberries seem to thrive in cooler conditions.
2 Oct, 2010
i always assosiated them with milder climates....thanks for that bit of info..:-)
2 Oct, 2010
I think a few are milder, but the blueberry is mainly wild in the northern US and north, through Canada and here. Not really found so much in places that don't freeze, at least not found in the well known form.
3 Oct, 2010
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Oh yum nothing better than wild blueberries in pancakes and coffee cakes..I used to make a Blue Berry Buckle coffee Cake so yummers!!!
23 Sep, 2010