Bloomer's Shop
By Richardpeeej

23 Sep, 2010
Water Street, Bakewell
Comments on this photo
It is at Buxton Annella we went there the other day.
23 Sep, 2010
Bloomer will be impressed!
23 Sep, 2010
I thought she might that's why I took it lol
23 Sep, 2010
23 Sep, 2010
Harrrr you ve turned bloomer to stone Richard lol its lovely and sure she will love it.
23 Sep, 2010
lovely shop sandra will love it to richard ;o))
23 Sep, 2010
Thanks all, I am glad you all like Bloomer's shop perhaps she will give us all a discount ;-)
24 Sep, 2010
Just found this Richard,that was thoughtful of you,it's nice to know I've found fame at last .Lol.We haven't been to Buxton for ages,but will certainly go and see it next time we go...Thanks. Discounts available to all my friends,don't push your luck though,need to keep the business going :o)))
24 Sep, 2010
very nice
24 Sep, 2010
What do you sell Bloomer?
24 Sep, 2010
Sorry, I lied...the shop was in Bakewell not Buxton...oops (embarrased!) I had the first letter of the place right anyway. I have written where it is under the photograph so you will know where it is ;-)
26 Sep, 2010
Annella,I have no idea,you had better ask Richard..Lol...but on reading his big fib,about the location of my shop,He might make something up,not intended for a young lady of your tender years...!!!..What do I sell, in Bakewell,not Buxton Richard ??
26 Sep, 2010
The shop is a bakery shop Annella, but not an ordinary baker's it is a connoisseurs bakers, would you expect anything else for Bloomer's shop :-)
I have uploaded a picture of the shop window, there are pies, sausage rolls, bread, cakes etc in there.
Bloomer is offering a discount to all her GOY hope I am still one of her friends after telling ;-)
27 Sep, 2010
LOL! Loved the pict, Richard! Bloomer, you kept your retail business very quiet, I hope that the GoY discount is substantial!! Maybe she is just about to expand her business empire in Buxton as well as in Bakewell (I am sure that name must be a pun!lol), before going global with BA travel industries...isn't that so Richard?
27 Sep, 2010
I think you are right saying that Flori. Bloomer is going international now I think, and going up in the world too. Bloomer, you must remember your friends on the way up as you will meet us again on your way back ;-))
27 Sep, 2010
You should have got in the pic Rich :-))
27 Sep, 2010
Ha ha yes Annella I was the other end of the camera taking the photograph ;-)
27 Sep, 2010
Well folks,...Wednesday is Pensioner special day,...3 tarts for the price of 2..anyone up for that? lol. don't know what you will be thinking,Richard..:o))
Thursday is BOGOF from 9am --9.05am...tough if you are at the back of the will need to be there for 6am,to be in with a chance..If Next can do it,so can I...But as a special concession to my friends,as well as 10% discount,
I will let you lick the bowl out,as I am bakng all these mouthwatering confections...see how good I am to you?.As I am expecting to do rather well,I may put a deposit down on another cruise,...
27 Sep, 2010
Ha ha Bloomer you have a good business head on you. I can see you will earn enough for a world cruise in no time with prices like that. lol ;-)
27 Sep, 2010
Well, I think I will leave the Tarts well enough alone, though you have got to watch that Richardpeeej so I hear! Licking the bowl out~yum! Count me in, Bloomer, you are just so good to us Goyers, I'm sure they will honour you with a medal for helping raise 'Goyourism' in the area.....and just think of all those lovely gardens we can tweak too! The next cruise you have, could it be Tom? Best things come in little packages so I hear, and he is just so CUTE!!! Tee hee hee!
27 Sep, 2010
gee shucks you really think so? may have to put my prices up a bit then...I can always blame it on the world grain prices going up...Isn't that what happens in business ?
I knew you would love the bowl idea.Flori,,will leave you some extra in the bottom...but then again..I could make two more cakes with that,so on second thoughts....THAT'S business...!! Sorry,Flori,Tom Cruise doesn't float my boat...(do I hear a groan?) He is a bit too short for a willowy lady like me...I heard he has to have mud flaps on his underpants .Lol...and with that thought,I will bid you goodnight...again..xx
27 Sep, 2010
Goodnight Bloomer and Flori. Maybe you can make enough money to take us all with you on the cruise Bloomer, then we can help sell your bread cakes and tarts on the cruise ship ;-) x
28 Sep, 2010
Mud flaps on his underpants, Bloomer, my, what a vision that conjures up! Ok, Tom is out then, any other suggestions then? I am very adaptable!! lol.
I can see you turning into a hard-hearted business woman, Bloomer, unlike our Ba, who still manages keeps the common touch with all her slaves, oops, I mean workforce...
Richard, fancy going into the Cruise Business my friend? I could entertain, which should give us a good turnover in customers, as they dive overboard to get away, Annella could run the Bar, 'One for them, two for me' just a distant mutter from her now and again, and the very odd 'Hic!' Ba, can promote BA Travel and her latest designs in tankini fashion knitwear, and Bloomer can put her wares on display, a bit like Nell Gwyn, except with cakes rather than oranges! Pip can play her Wobble Board, and act out the latest Neighbours plot! How perfect is that???...Our 'Goyourism' is spreading folks......hahaha! Err, do you know how to steer a ship, Richard????
28 Sep, 2010
Yes Flori that sounds a good idea, Not sure if the insurance company would let me steer any more ships though as I rolled my last two when I cornered too fast in the Bristol ;-)
28 Sep, 2010
Methinks you are tugging at my leg again, young Richard! ;-)))
28 Sep, 2010
I think I would be blushing too much to do anything like that Flori ;-))
28 Sep, 2010
Bloomer, where are you??? I need your imput my friend!
Yeah right Rich, don't believe that for a moment! Methinks you fib,lol. :~))))))))))))
28 Sep, 2010
What fib again and be caught I have been sussed out calling Buxton Bakewell already lol ;-)
28 Sep, 2010
Flori,can't I have just one day to recharge the old grey cells,?you are testing me to the limit.Lol.I was busy repotting Fuchsia's to bring inside etc,although I realise it isn't as imperative as this,but had to be done.Last night we were babysitting,as it was Anthony's birthday,and Alison took him out for a nice meal.Sorry,but playing with Thomas took up most of the evening...I have now decided our rapport is on the same level...Lol.I could have logged on on their computer,but alas,I would have had to use "the mouse"and am hopeless with it, can't beat a touch pad !!! There excuses made,believe it if you will....
29 Sep, 2010
Don't worry Richard,it was only a teeny weeny fib,...I bet Flori could tell some porkers if need be Lol.
29 Sep, 2010
You are right Bloomer, Flori can spin them if you give her the chance lol ;-))
29 Sep, 2010
Your old grey cells don't need charging, Bloomer, you run on Eveready batteries, or is it the ones with the copper ended bottoms? I can never remember! lol,
I think you just like to make an entrance and keep up the eager anticipation of your arrival, if the truth be known!!! Gasp! You mean there is something out there more important than being in here?? I just can't believe that.!!...And only you can make a 'Touch pad' sound grubby! I love playing with my 'mouse', and his whiskers tickle too!
Moi, tell porky pies? Are you busy besmirchiny my fine upstanding character again, Bloomer??? And you are not much better Richardpeeej, and there was I offering out the hand of friendship to you all...I'm going off to sulk!!!! :~(((
29 Sep, 2010
Tarts, mud flaps, touchy pads, Flori tickling her mouse........what have I been missing????
29 Sep, 2010
OOOO you have miss loads of excitement Annella and lots of posts for you to read now ;-))
29 Sep, 2010
It's month end time at work so very busy and I've been in the garden till dark most evenings but I will catch up :-))))))
29 Sep, 2010
Oh hello Annella, My Friend, I am talking to you, it's just those two that I'm not cos they hurt my feelings....and you would Never do that, would you buddy???
29 Sep, 2010
No, not me Flori :-)))))
29 Sep, 2010
I am so glad to hear that....why are you sniggering Annella?????? lol!
29 Sep, 2010
I was sniffing Flori, I've got a cold....honest :-))
29 Sep, 2010
Hmmmmmmm...Get yourself better soon my friend, sorry to hear that you are under the weather :~((
29 Sep, 2010
I was sniffiggering....Lol
29 Sep, 2010
Annella! You devil!! lol! :~)))x
29 Sep, 2010
Oh,I love that word Annella...sniffiggering...a lovely ring to it,and a new word for The English Dictionary,methinks...hope you are feeling better.
So Flori, my friend ??? I wondered if you had a mouse or a touch pad..maybe you have wouldn't surprise me in the least.Lol. I'm not copper bottomed either,as there is nothing worse than verdigris when the copper gets wet...steady on there girl,don't let your mind work overtime...are you still my friend ?..please,please,pretty please...I don't want to see you sulking,that's Ba's perogative...
29 Sep, 2010
Oh I am strictly a mouse kind of girl, Bloomer, touch pads can be just too sensitive for me, I like to have something I can grip onto and press....I use to have a cordless, but my one seems to have developed a tail from somewhere....!!
Oh, so you must run on 'Eveready' then, or are you rechargeable? Tee hee hee :~))
Cause I'm still your friend, you know way too much about me not to be, Bloomer, I was only joshing about sulking....well kind! :~))))
29 Sep, 2010
I knew you weren't sulking Flori and that you are still our friend ;-)) x I am sat in the garden with the laptop at the mo as the sun is shining down and I will try and collect some Rudbeckia seeds later now that its dry :-))
Hope you are feeling better today Annella, don't work too hard my friend! ;-)
30 Sep, 2010
I'm going home soon Rich and will be straight outside, Vodka in one hand and fork in the other. The Vodka is purely medicinal of course :-)))
30 Sep, 2010
Of course it is Annella I wouldn't have suggested otherwise. Vodka is good for warding off illness before you get it too....although it is difficult to eat with a fork! ;-))
30 Sep, 2010
Eh? I can eat with a fork...but then I'm strictly a wine kind of gal...Ahh! The penny has dropped! Very witty almost had me then! You meant the Voddi was tough to eat with a folk...see, I get it now...I! Get yourself better soon Annella, or we'll be sending our Richard round to rub goosefat onto your chest....(That's a big wooden box to you and me)x
30 Sep, 2010
Ha ha Flori I expect Annella has already made a sudden and a speedy recovery! ;-))
30 Sep, 2010
Oh,I wouldn't be too sure Richard,Vodka,a fork and Goosefat..Annella's favourite...Lol
30 Sep, 2010
Well it looks as though Annella has everything now to help her get better Bloomer, something nice to drink, a tool for eating and drinking with, and something nice to eat, she should be feeling better in no time now!! ;-)))
30 Sep, 2010
I like sniffigering Vicks I'll have you know better than that goosefat rubbish...
2 Oct, 2010
Are you feeling any better Annella ?I hope so..see,I CAN be nice to you,..take care,and get well soon,my friend.:o)) Don't overdo the Vick,it will bring tears to your eyes..sob,sob.Lol.
2 Oct, 2010
I haven't heard of that particular brand of sniffing vodka
Hope you are feeling better now though ;-)
3 Oct, 2010
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Where is this Rich?
23 Sep, 2010