Japanese anemones
By Gee19

29 Sep, 2010
I love these - they brighten up a dark corner.
Comments on this photo
They don't seem to 'wander' in my garden, Meanie, I have had them for several years and resorted to dividing the clump last year to encourage them! Maybe my soil is a bit too heavy for them?
29 Sep, 2010
You're very lucky indeed then Gee!
29 Sep, 2010
i love em to Gee mine very slow this year though an odd flower at a time, but still lovely
29 Sep, 2010
My only disappointment is that I was sure I had put in some white ones but they haven't appeared at all :(
29 Sep, 2010
oh thats sad Gee maybe all that snow we had, shame, sister has white ones and hates gardening lol i may pinch some lol
29 Sep, 2010
I had to clear a lot out of my garden they were spreading everywhere and are still popping up .........
29 Sep, 2010
you should pot them up amy, sell them or give to local fete`s
29 Sep, 2010
They are lovely though........
29 Sep, 2010
`I would rather have these pretty plants being invasive, in my garden than
weeds lol...nice pic Gee..
1 Oct, 2010
My white one was downsized earlier this year. It's flowered really well but it keeps trying to regain the space it lost. I keep hoeing and trowelling out the sprigs that pop up.....like that arcade game where you hit moles on the head, and they pop up faster and faster. I wouldn't be without it. It lights up the border at this time of the year.
2 Oct, 2010
I like the idea of that arcade game, Dorjac :)
3 Oct, 2010
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I like them too, as long as they're in someone else's garden!!! Good luck keeping them contained Gee!
29 Sep, 2010