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green tomato marmalade off my neighbour


By Sanbaz

green tomato marmalade off my neighbour

wasnt sure about this but tried it on my toast this morning and its very nice,

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Hmmmm..unusual. Your garden looks pretty in the sunshine :-))

29 Sep, 2010


Well thats a new one on me, something to make with all those unripe tomatoes;0)

29 Sep, 2010


Not too sure about the green tomato marmalade for breakfast but your garden looks great in the background.

29 Sep, 2010


thanx girlies, yes garden still has colour and lovely if the sun is out, but back to rain today,
i wasnt sure about tomatoes in marmalade but it is classed as a fruit and we do eat tomato for breakfast, i know it had orange in it but not sure what else,
my chutney is going down well, dont think it will last the 6 weeks its supose to mature lol ;o))

29 Sep, 2010


thats unusual....glad you like it...

29 Sep, 2010


Never heard of this before but there are several recipes on Google if anyone wants to try. Some of them take hours to cook!!

29 Sep, 2010


thanx holly ;o))
yes Gee she said takes a good few hours so has to make it on a day you dont need to go out lol

29 Sep, 2010


i need to look this up San...the thought of compeating with my mams chutney is a bit daunting. maybe icould try this..
have u packed a jar of your chutney for Joe? my girls have gone off with chutney and jam curtesy of their nana and i cooked up bolegnese and frozen it into portions for them.

29 Sep, 2010


its something a bit different sandra, i told joe he could take a jar of mums chutney and he laughed lol, wonder why ,,i thought of cooking a few things but a long journey so im buying him some shopping when we get there to start him off, he likes to cook and is doing well after his dad gave him lessons on healthy fresh food which he likes, im not one for convient foods, always fresh,

29 Sep, 2010


mine can all cook a bolegnese and are partial to cheese on toast.. they are used to healthy home cooked meals i have sat down with them explaining a healthy balenced diet. but Lilly hasent got her broadband sorted yet and has found free internet at mac donalds...:-}

29 Sep, 2010


i love cheese on toast to with pickle on it yummy lol.i think a few places are starting to do free internet now sandra, but tell her to be carefull what she goes on ie banking and such, a hakers paradise these free internet places,they showed it on tv how easy they can get onto someones computer sat near them,;o(

29 Sep, 2010


thanks Sandra ill pass that on to her...:-)

29 Sep, 2010


Unusual as a marmalade, usually chutney.

29 Sep, 2010


yw sandra ;o)
Tog i hadnt heard of it either but if you google it there it is ;o)) we live and learn lol

29 Sep, 2010


Going to have a look San....sounds great, Ian made some pickle with our tomatoes the other day....Tomato and Onion...really tastey, but yes, this would use up all those green tomatoes....:o)

29 Sep, 2010


it takes longer to cook apparently janey, about 5 hours my neighbour says,
im going to do apple chutney next,
iv really enjoyed making chutney and enjoyed eating it to lol ;o))

29 Sep, 2010


making me hungry now lol ............. gota go rumble tum lol

29 Sep, 2010


That's a long time San....mmm....all that gas.......

29 Sep, 2010


lol cristina, just had some of the marmalade on toast with a cuppa was yummy ;o))
yes it is janey but probably only on low setting so wont take much gas really,,check out the recipes and see if they differ

29 Sep, 2010


will do...:o))

29 Sep, 2010


Not heard of this one before......

29 Sep, 2010


its very nice Dotty, almost finished it now lol,ive just made a turkey stir fry and added my green tomato chutney, was delish ;o))

30 Sep, 2010


San have you noticed on these cook shows Jamie Oliver, River cottage , etc. they all call there chutney type things Marmalade , .. Onion Marmalade ... Tomato Marmalade , whatever it is they call it Marmalade .... I don't think they mean you to eat it for breakfast it's just an accompaniment with whatever you are eating and they think it sounds posh ....

Looks like you will have to make some more of your Green tomato chutney ( Marmalade) :o))

30 Sep, 2010


sorry late amy just got back from lampeter in wales where iv left joe at uni for first year ;o(( miss him already,
as for the marmalade thing, i havent noticed that but bet i shall from now on thanx for telling me, i will tell my neighbour to, now im back im making apple chutney this week if i get chance ;o))

4 Oct, 2010


Ahh San , i'm sure you are missing Joe ,I know that feeling .. try telling yourself that he is having the time of his life , you are his Mum he will always come back to you .... you have given him the best start in life he will make you proud .. :o))

4 Oct, 2010


thanx amy i called him when we got home, he was in a friends room with everyone so dont think he really wanted to have a big conversation with mum lol, but seems just fine, i went right in his room to tidy up after his packing lol, be glad when he has internet sorted then can at least talk on messenger and will save a fortune in phone calls, im ok and will look forward to seeing him at xmas amy ;o)) im very proud of him to x

4 Oct, 2010


glad it all went well Sandra. been thinking of you all this weekend...sounds like Joe is settleing in well. hope the emptynest syndrome not to bad...i launched myself into the room cleaning

Lilly still hasent got the net at her place, but now to add to the mac donalds free connection she has found one in the uni and one in THE PUB......but freshers week is over (thank god)..she started her course and is busy with a pile of research work..and a seious dose of freshers flu....

5 Oct, 2010


hi sandra just done a blog on our weekend and yes all is well for joe thankfully its just me now with the empty feelings, i dont like it one bit hahaha,yes joe can get free connection in uni and in the pub we stayed, he`s just to busy yet , but i understand, making friends and finding his way ;o)) sorry lilly has the flu poor thing ;o(

5 Oct, 2010


Lilly is finding city life exciting after growing up on a farm. I'm amazed at how well my baby is copeing. She is loving having a corner shop and
as for her freshers flu its all self-inflicted....but i would still like to make her a hot honey and lemon drink...:-( but its ok because her house mate is looking after her....

5 Oct, 2010


yes i can understand the city being a new experience for lily, where joe is glad to be in the smaller town after blackpool, even though we live rural, glad her house mate is taking care of her for you ;o))

5 Oct, 2010


Our son shared the hall with students from all over the world and learnt to cook all kinds of different foods , he liked to come home and cook for us ( showing off ) with luck you might have that to look forward to ........ I did have one or two phone calls asking me how you '' cooked ' clothes in the washing machine ...LOL........

5 Oct, 2010


lol amy, washing is ok i got him doing his own a couple of years ago now after he wanted things before i had chance, so bourght him a wash basket for his room and showed him how to work machine lol,

5 Oct, 2010

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