The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Milky


This delicate little flower blossoms in sunshine......bronzes under the hairy trunk, Lol....Ladies...and anyone else wanting a laugh.....Look at Ray's hat......This flipping thing has been going on holiday with him for the last 27 years.....its faded...badly...and makes me cringe now everytime we pack a case.....but he wont be parted from it......

Comments on this photo


Like the colour of that flower Milky,

1 Oct, 2010


Ha ha Thanks Cinders......Lol....

1 Oct, 2010



1 Oct, 2010


Oh my...will be out shopping for a hat just like it now....lovely..!

2 Oct, 2010


Cor, one of the best flowers I have seen in a while, as for the hat, well, I love it,

2 Oct, 2010


Is this flower hardy or tender ? Does it have to be pampered over winter at all ?

2 Oct, 2010


Shirley that comments brilliant, Ha Ha Ha, if its anything like the flower I have it will need pampering over winter

2 Oct, 2010


LOL Yorkshire, probably best to cover it with fleece !

2 Oct, 2010


Does he know you've done this to him Milky? Perhaps we could start a playboy type category on Goy?:-)

2 Oct, 2010


A little ' Ray ' of sunshine ... I was beginning to wonder what you had done to him Milky ! I can see you have been propagating him in the sunshine , love the hat .....:-))

2 Oct, 2010


Ha ha ha ...I knew you were all missing him...he he he Yes he does need winter pampering, but reasonable hardy Shirley...As for the does turn a few heads on the beach......Lol PS Have just shown this and all your comments to Ray, and he loves it........Typical type ladies...centre of attention and all that ha ha ha .......

2 Oct, 2010


Is it Ray.......have never seen him can we be sure? nice tan you obviously had good weather you are your hairy plant lol

2 Oct, 2010


Lol lol lol. Nice to see Ray and he's actually awake, bless. Can't you kind of lose the hat somehow or then maybe you're life would be over.

3 Oct, 2010


Dawn I think he would really blow a fuse if that hat disappeared. He just refuses to get rid of it, no matter what I say. I think he just wears it now so that people do look at him ha ha ha ....Lol

3 Oct, 2010


I don't think he's awake either as I can't see his eyes. I bet you just propped him up there, Milky, so you could take the photo. As for the hat, I'm speechless, especially as the shorts and sandels match :)

3 Oct, 2010


Attention seeker, lol.
Oh Gee, your comment made me laugh too.

3 Oct, 2010


Di you know he could still have his eyes closed. He hides behind those sunglasses so he can watch the dolly birds.......Silly man thinks that hat will impress them Tut........ha ha ha

4 Oct, 2010


What a fine specimen.

5 Oct, 2010


Great pic of Ray Milky......I love the hat, and you can't see his eyes, I reckon he wears it to doze off even in an upright pose....great tan too...good onya Ray!!

5 Oct, 2010


Ohhhh dont encourage him Janey...please.......

5 Oct, 2010


Oh Maureen, it makes me laugh, alot, no Janey, dont encourage Ray, he loves attention, doesnt he Maureen. I'm pleased Toto likes Ray.

5 Oct, 2010


yes...Dawn but how much does Toto like Ray....hmmmmmmmLol ha ha ha ha

6 Oct, 2010


great shot maureen, maybe you could accidently leave the hat behind next holiday, i mean in another country not at home lol

7 Oct, 2010


Sanbaz I live in hope that the bloomin' thing, by law of averages, has got to rot soon.....Lol

8 Oct, 2010


lol maureen

8 Oct, 2010


(a long time ago) I was forced to leave some lichen at the Immingham customs cos it was a living plant from Sweden and they wouldnt let me bring it into the country.

I was just wondering.........:0 lol....perhaps you could drop some hints.....:)

13 Oct, 2010


Oh Nice one Rachelsmum....This a good idea.....ha ha ha

15 Oct, 2010


you leave that hat alone - - -it rules ok !!

27 Oct, 2010


Lol Bampy

27 Oct, 2010


it's a great photo M,
plenty of humour in your house I reckon !! ;-)

27 Oct, 2010


There has to be Bampy, when you've a "child at heart" in the house.....Lol

28 Oct, 2010


in defence of Ray's superb hat I submit my priceless headware in my photo album as modelled by my super sweet Staffie. A thing of many years together & well travelled ( both dog & hat )
We too have a house full of daftness & a sense of the ridiculous as Ma used to call it. In todays climate we certainly need more silly hats dont you think ?? ;-))

29 Oct, 2010


Ha ha Totally agree with you there Bampy.....

30 Oct, 2010


Hi Maureen, how long have you two been married ? If Ray was wearing that hat the day you met, he may see it as his 'lucky pulling hat' and will never part with it ! :-)

5 Nov, 2010


Ooo....I've missed Ray. Great pic Milky. That hat must surely attract every pretty dolly bird in the area. How do you fight them all off? LOL

9 Nov, 2010

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