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Garden Very Early days for Whistonlass

Garden Very Early days for Whistonlass

A metal arch which collopsed after 3 years of a disease called rust! A much lower wall, a young Montana Grandi and a juvenile Lilac.

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It took 10 years from couch grass, brambles, nettles and bindweed - a hedge that grew out over a quarter of the garden, and miscellaneous items buried in the grass like shed, bicycle, bedstead..there should have been a central pathway, but it was soo overgrown you couldnt find it. Oh and there was no wall at the bottom either!
But be not daunted Whistonlass!!

5 Oct, 2010


10 yrs.!!!! The trouble with me is...I want it like this...and done yesterday!! It is a beautiful garden and I'm so insistant on having some grass but your curved path and gravel with shaped borders looks beautiful....hmmm....I'll have to get cracking and have a re-think, Tetra.

Your garden looks just grand :)

5 Oct, 2010


Take your time, you only want to do the basic skeleton once! Make it adaptable

5 Oct, 2010


Yes, are spot on. Helpful advice throughout your comments...ta very much :)

5 Oct, 2010


At the end of the day Whistonlass, this is your garden, with plants you want and the design that pleases YOU! Dont be pushed into anything you unsure politely and say I will think about it!!

5 Oct, 2010's hubby that's the block most of the time....but I could take your advice and be assertive....I'm taking on this garden as my pet project/hobby for all the right reasons (fresh air, exercise, improved mental health) this space!

I'm getting a clearer idea of what I like and don't like so that's a good start. :)

5 Oct, 2010


Actually, the advice I was given 10 years step at a Ive ever been given..keep your plan close to your chest, dont frighten hubby to death with the overall cost, time and effort! We need to keep our little secrets dont we? lol!

5 Oct, 2010


I'm going to cut and paste your last comment, Tetra....the words are almost identical to my best friend's advice to me on more than one occasion....every time we chat gardens and precisely 'my garden' I hear them....I must learn to heed them now as I'm getting it from two of you :)

5 Oct, 2010


Have you still got that wonderful background ?

5 Oct, 2010


Yes I do Daisy, wall a little higher - the allotment sheds are a bit higgledy, but hope they wont ever take it from us with development,unlikely, but still fingers crossed!

6 Oct, 2010


Idealic, love your garden in this view.

6 Oct, 2010


Why thank you OG. The view across the city makes it tho. Pity its hazy or you could see the Clifton Suspension Bridge. On a clear day it looks very close. Other things we can see from garden, The Observatory, Christ Church, The Pro Cathedral, Cabot Tower, The Wills Bristol University Tower, Bristol Cathedral, The Royal Fort and (in winter), St Mary Redcliffe. Guided tour all from a deckchair!!

6 Oct, 2010


Wow, that is some view alright! Sounds like a lovely location....even to observing traffic jams on the Clifton Bridge....all from a deckchair, can't be bad. :)

6 Oct, 2010


My OH can see the traffic on bridge..I need binoculars!

6 Oct, 2010


I'm with you on that one, Tetra...I might not even manage WITH the binoculars! lol

6 Oct, 2010



6 Oct, 2010


This looks fab Tetra, you`ve managed to pack in so much yet still retained a lovely relaxed feel to it all, I`d love to meander round that pathway, and I can almost smel that young Lilac.

8 Oct, 2010


Thanks a lot Stroller, you are welcome to come and meander! Its still the same basic shape, but the lilac is much bigger and I cant promise you wont find a lost person or two in the Montana Grandiflora...

8 Oct, 2010


Pretty garden ...lovely view..:o)

13 Oct, 2010


The garden is dog proof too lol! How are your beautiful pair?

13 Oct, 2010


Wow what a lovely garden Tetra, I can't wait to see how it's developed in recent pics. :o)) Is that date correct? Looks like you have lilac and tulips flowering!

15 Oct, 2010


Doubt it Lily! I hadnt had the camera long and didnt know how to reset the thing lol! I dont have a micro climate, unfortunately the frost stays longer out the back because in winter it gets morning sun crossways between houses but afternoon sun disappears almost as soon as it touches the garden. In fact the tulips in the front flower 2 weeks before those at the back

15 Oct, 2010


I know what you mean about cameras. Still getting to grips with mine, had it nearly a year! My back garden is the same, no sun at all for about 3 months in the winter. :o((

15 Oct, 2010


Lovely Tet, better late than never:-)

9 Mar, 2011


BA, never say it! You will be welcome any time.

9 Mar, 2011


Aw Shucks, thanks been on the bottle? not used to this erm...niceness :-)

10 Mar, 2011


Now how could I be rude when you just complimented me on my garden? Im not so ragmannered!! lol

10 Mar, 2011


what plant is that on the arch, please? Now I've got my own arch I'm looking for ideas as to what to plant.

14 Jul, 2012


Hi Fran. In answer to yr question on the left is a very perfumed Lonicera Graham Thomas and on the left is climbing rose Lady Hillingdon (pictures of her elsewhere under "my photos") with a gentle perfume and a gorgeous amber colour. She is almost thornless which might be of help because of your impairment. I still have them there (now a wooden arch) and am still thrilled with both. Another thornless climbing rose is Zephrine Drouhin (?spelling) lovely pink and a lovely perfume. Needs a warm sheltered position, lots of flowers, feed and water well and spray for black spot. Two of the nicest climbers with repeating flowers.
If you want to know how much you can cram in your small space, have a chat with Valadel lol!

14 Jul, 2012


thanks so much for your very detailed answer, that'll keep me busy for some time! x

ps you got the spelling of Zephrine Drouhin spot on! I copied and pasted it into Google, thinking that it'd offer alternatives if the spelling wasn't exactly right. No need, it was.

I'm looking for smaller climbing plants - the arch is attached to a wall in a half-arch, both halves on the same side to make a wider arch, so I've been looking for plants that wouldn't start climbing up the wall, I'm sure the council would object, if the people upstairs didn't!

16 Jul, 2012


Sorry about that lol! Im known as a bit of a gabbler!

16 Jul, 2012


lol I wasn't complaining in the least! lovely full info, names and all, plenty for me to check out and ponder over.

16 Jul, 2012


I didnt think you were Fran, you will get used to me..I have laughs at my own (and others, particularly BA!!) expense lol! Glad to be of help m'dear!

16 Jul, 2012

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