Double Nasturtiums
By Spritzhenry

9 Oct, 2010
These are self -sown, but there's no soil behind the pots where they've grown. They're from two years ago, too! Such a puzzle.
Comments on this photo
Nope, it's smallish pebbles on end set in cement, edged with bricks, as these are half-way up the r-hand steps to the top border! All I can think is that I spilt compost overboard when I redid the pots on the steps.
10 Oct, 2010
now they really are beuties.
10 Oct, 2010
Yes - they're just the same as the ones I planted 2 years ago in the wall trough above. :-)))) Nice surprise, wasn't it!
10 Oct, 2010
lovely colour and shape :o)
10 Oct, 2010
lovely surprise :-)
11 Oct, 2010
Yes - I was delighted to see them. I'll let them seed again, and see what happens.
11 Oct, 2010
Wow I've never seen these before, they look stunning!
11 Oct, 2010
Don't you have Nasturtiums, Pip? It's an annual that children start off with, as the seeds are very big. They're easy to grow. Well - they must be, if these almost grew thenselves! LOL.
11 Oct, 2010
We have Nasturtiums, they're fast spreading from our neighbours garden into ours in fact ;o) but I haven't seen the double ones before. Also ours are standard orange....
11 Oct, 2010
Really? There are sooo many colours in the catalogues now - I'm thinking of ordering some unusual ones - including some more doubles.
Glad you do at least have some, though, even if they're not yours! LOL.
11 Oct, 2010
I have heard of yellow ones - but I'm totally ignorant apart from that!!! So there are actually more colours? wow
We tend to treat them as a weed, they are soooo persistent in scaling the neighbour's fence! lol
11 Oct, 2010
LOL. I have a good seed catalogue in front of me. In there, I can see milky-white, rose pink, almost black, scarlet, crimson. bi-colours, mahogany-red, cream with pink blotches, and one that looks remarkably like these. :-)))))
How tempting is that! lol.
11 Oct, 2010
A very nice puzzler, Spritz. :-))
11 Oct, 2010
It is, David. How it's surviving, I really don't know!
11 Oct, 2010
I live the double ones, what a nice suprise for you Barbra!
11 Oct, 2010
There are even more flowers on the plant today! :-)
11 Oct, 2010
That's great! I wonder where they might appear next year. :-)))
11 Oct, 2010
LOL....what a nice thought. We'll see. ;-)
11 Oct, 2010
I also have some flowering that are self seeded, but from last year. They are so nice to have at this time aren't they. These are lovely!
12 Oct, 2010
Thanks. Yes - Whenever I've planted any, more appear in the next year, or in this case, two. :-)))
13 Oct, 2010
Mine are the lovely pale lemon single ones. I might get a photo of them this weekend....if this awful heavy cloud ever lifts again!!
13 Oct, 2010
Oooh, yes please! Anyway, I'm told that flower photography is better in cloudy conditions than in sun. HA! You don't get the inevitable shadow of yourself, that's why! :-))
13 Oct, 2010
yes, that's true, but the motivation to go out and take them is not so high!!
13 Oct, 2010
Are you chilly up there? We are - and temps are dropping all this week, so the BBC man told us.
13 Oct, 2010
bloomin brass monkeys B!!
13 Oct, 2010
OH went and fetched a trailer load of logs this morning, so I'm v.v.v. tempted to light the log burner! I'd better ask him first, I suppose.
13 Oct, 2010
Log burner.....heaven! You don't get those in new homes of course, well not timber frame ones anyway! We have a nice real flame gas fire though so I'm happy! One of the best things about this house is the never goes below 17 degrees, even if it's freezing outdoors. Last year it did though....14 degrees...I was amazed! I don't think I could live in an old house now....I am sooooo unhappy when I'm cold!
13 Oct, 2010
Me too - but once the house is warm, it stays warm because of the thick walls - 2'6" in places...and the other way round in summer heat (if we ever get any!) - it stays cool. :-))
13 Oct, 2010
14 Oct, 2010
It is...I'd love another log burner in what's called the 'Reception hall', which was a room in the original house. No chance, though - no chimney! :-((
14 Oct, 2010
never happy are we B? :))
14 Oct, 2010
Well, yes, but it would just be nice, that's all! ;-)
14 Oct, 2010
lol :))
14 Oct, 2010
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Have you got block paving Spritzhenry if so they might have dropped a seed between the joints and grown in there. I have having that trouble with Mimulus at the moment , its coming through everywhere in my block paving.
9 Oct, 2010