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Cattleya Orchid

Cattleya Orchid (Cattleya Orchid)

Another Cattleya Orchid. Photo taken in Botanical Building in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. on Sept. 29, 2010.

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Looks like someone in a Mardi Gras Mask! great colours...

14 Oct, 2010



I do like this variety very much! Unfortunately, I don't have more room for plants. LOL! :>)

15 Oct, 2010


That's what I thought, D1! BUT...I'm getting pulled back in by all the pics you keep posting! The jacarandas are still alive, and my orchids are putting up blossom spikes from their time out in the shade house this summer.

15 Oct, 2010



Glad to hear all the little Jacaranda seedlings are doing well! Yes, it's definitely time for the orchids to bloom now. Not sure why so many orchids bloom from fall - spring...maybe they like the shorter days and cooler nights.

16 Oct, 2010


From what I've read, D1, it definintely has something to do with night time temperatures, or the range of temps from day to night...... the lower range seems to be 60 degrees F. It works with mine...they seem to build their strength over the summer and by the time the temps change and the days begin to shorten they are ready to bloom again.

16 Oct, 2010



You're most like correct. Some of the more tropical orchids do bloom in summer.

17 Oct, 2010


I'm going to have to get that longed for solarium or greenhouse before I can take on the true exotics, D1. I love the cattleyas...but have a hankering for Masdevallia..they are cool loving, high altitude orchids from South America, which has a variety that has true blue blooms... someday ...someday.. : - ) !!

17 Oct, 2010



A solarium or greenhouse is a good idea. :>)

Masdevallia are very common along all the California coast.
They are especially popular in the San Francisco Bay Area.

17 Oct, 2010


I'm sure the climate in the "bay" area would be perfect. I live in hope that someday I will find my masdevallia!

17 Oct, 2010



Are Masdevallia species not available for sale there?

My good friend in Oakland (across the bay from San Francisco) has many of these orchids in his yard.

18 Oct, 2010


LOL... Yes they are available in Toronto probably or Ottawa or Montreal...but I am in a smaller centre and our access to exotics makes a specific trip and a significant expenditure necessary. Too many irons in the fire, as well, D1! I'm promising myself a little treat (trip) soon.

20 Oct, 2010



Yes, I can understand the too many irons in the fire. :>)

It sounds like you need a good vacation. My last real vacation was to Hawai'i in August of 2009. However, I'm always on a staycation. LOL! :>)

20 Oct, 2010


Ah yes... "staycation"... or 'retire-retreat'... I'm happy in my own garden too...but I have to take a couple of daytrips before we leave the area...I want to see the Montreal botanical gardens...I've seen the flower expos but never got to the gardens. I have driven past the agricultural farm in south west Ottawa..but have yet to take the tour. a large area of what is now being swallowed by the city is used for agricultural trials by Agriculture Canada. There are several wonderful gardens in Toronto and I want to get back to the Niagara area before too long to see the fruit groves and wine country.
This year the peach crop was fantastic...had some of the best eating peaches I've enjoyed in decades! Fruits of a milder winter, I guess.

21 Oct, 2010



My staycations are usually a trip to Coronado Island or La Jolla and maybe a botanical garden. :>)

22 Oct, 2010


I've heard a lot about Santa Catalina...

23 Oct, 2010



I almost went to Avalon (on Catalina Island) a couple of weeks ago. I've never been there before.

23 Oct, 2010


From what I've seen, you might have missed something!
Looks awfully nice to me! Perhaps it is a little "tourist Mecca" but I think it has possibilities?! Have you been to the Azores? I've seen pics of the interesting vegetation and thought that would be a great vacation. (Unfortunately not a staycation)

23 Oct, 2010



I'll make it to Catalina Island so time it's not too far. :>)

I've never been to the Azores. One day it'll be a very nice vacations for me.

25 Oct, 2010


Have you seen any pictures of the Echiums that grow to great heights there?

25 Oct, 2010



Yes, they all grow here in California. :>) Some have even naturalized in many coastal parts of California.

26 Oct, 2010


Very pretty with its frills.

27 Feb, 2011



This is the commonly used flower in corsages.

28 Feb, 2011


I can see why with such variety of colour

28 Feb, 2011


There's many varieties. I have a pure bright yellow Cattleya which I purchased for $2.00 at Quail Botanical Gardens.

28 Feb, 2011


That sounds lovely Andy you ll have to put a picture up when it flowers, you got a bargain.

28 Feb, 2011



I'll definitely post a pic when it blooms. Cattleyas are a summer blooming orchid.

1 Mar, 2011


Thank you Andy will look forward to seeing it.

1 Mar, 2011


Thanks! :>)

1 Mar, 2011



2 Mar, 2011

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This photo is of species Cattleya Orchid.

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