The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Autumn 4: My Work Garden

Autumn 4: My Work Garden

This new patio was completed this spring as well as the raised perennial bed with pond mid left. The business used to be just the polytunnel far left, now the new building brings a little bistro and retail area. I always had people out enjoying food in the garden with me.

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Many Thanks for showing where you work, Gt!! Am very envious, and it all looks so good!

19 Oct, 2010


Thank you David. And your welcome. :-) It really has been like heaven, harder work than I've done before, but I couldn't complain a bit. All put away and under that blanket of snow already here. Now I'm inside tending houseplants. :-)

20 Oct, 2010


Yes, I would have thought this would be a lot of hard labour, but very satisfying, and you have pics before the snow. Will be reduced to indoor "gardening" here, soon, too - but I love it. There is never a "stop" period in the gardening year, really, I find. The Spring 2011 catalogues have begun dropping through the letterbox, too - great for reading, asterisking "wants" for next season by a warm fire - LOL!!

20 Oct, 2010


I do like the quiet indoor time for planning and thought in the winter. I suppose I've two gardens to plans for next year, mine and this one. :-)

21 Oct, 2010

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