Well dont just stand there, play with me! (for Simbad)
By Tetrarch

17 Oct, 2010
Patches could be quite demanding!
Comments on this photo
Know the feeling Tetrarch, Fudge has been a little monkey today pinching washing off the clothes horse that I was in the process of ironing, just likes you to chase him, may have athritis but you can't catch him.
17 Oct, 2010
Bet you go thru loads of tea towels!! lol..at least its not your OH's shirts!
17 Oct, 2010
Cant you just imagine them thinking Karen.."if I try to look cute she's bound to give me...". We often attribute them with "human" thoughts which is silly....but when they look at you like that...is it??
17 Oct, 2010
Sometimes I have this terrible feeling that she really is a person trapped in a dog's body!
18 Oct, 2010
Dont let on..they will think Im nuts..but Im almost sure of it!
18 Oct, 2010
;) lol
19 Oct, 2010
o shes adorrable
23 Oct, 2010
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Molly sits like that, and sometimes she actually places her front paws right on top of her back ones! really cute!
17 Oct, 2010