My 1 & Only Dahlia "Cactus Stars Favourite"
By Jacque

18 Oct, 2010
I brought lots of Dahlias earlier this yr & this is the only 1 that Flowered all the others had Leafs & no Buds!
Comments on this photo
Hi Spritz im glad u like it :D
18 Oct, 2010
lovely colour...
18 Oct, 2010
Thanx Michaella:)
18 Oct, 2010
glad you got this one its pretty.... nice to see you back and with your pic s again....
18 Oct, 2010
Thanx Holly :) i have been taking Pics of My Flowers/Garden ect but just not had time to load/show them XXX
18 Oct, 2010
Thats abeauty Jac, hopefully the others will flower for you next year;0)
18 Oct, 2010
Iv keeping my fingers crossed PP:)
18 Oct, 2010
Are you going to dig them up - or leave them in the ground, Jac?
18 Oct, 2010
Their in Pots Spritz! I was thinking of Planting them under some Dead Nettle Ground Cover do u think thats a bad idea? i thought it mite protect them from the Frost?
18 Oct, 2010
And a gorgeous one it is too Jac! :o)
18 Oct, 2010
Thanx Fluff :)
18 Oct, 2010
Hi Jac....good to see you back here......the dahlia is similar to my Alfred Grille.....Have a look at my pics. I've still one that has tiny buds...don't think they're going to make it......
18 Oct, 2010
Hi Janey so good 2 see u My friend :) il pop over 2 see your Dahlia now :)
18 Oct, 2010
Gorgeous Dahlia - and it's so nice to have you back, Jacque!
18 Oct, 2010
Morn Pip its nice 2 see u 2 :)
19 Oct, 2010
Jac - I think you need to protect the tubers over the winter, & keep them frost-free. If you can't take the pots into your greenhouse, then bubble-wrap the pots to make sure that the tubers don't freeze, and put the pots close together in a sheltered corner, maybe by the house wall?
19 Oct, 2010
Morn Spritz thanx 4 your Info i was wondering what 2 do with m :) i best be off now My Friend as iv a shift 2 do @ 1030 so chat soon luv&hugs to u & H XXXX
19 Oct, 2010
Thanks, Jac - Henry sends you a waggy tail and I send you a hug. (.) xxxx
19 Oct, 2010
lovely colors Jacque
21 Oct, 2010
Hi Jacque... I've had flowers in my garden doing very strange things this season, too. my dwarf dahlias stopped blooming in July...they came up fine..looked good then's later in October and the silly things are starting to bloom again! We haven't had a killing frost yet..but it's only a matter of time. My delphiniums bloomed twice last season...they came up this spring...bloomed in early July, then died! ARGHHHH!
Nice to see that you are still around. Hugs to Summer.
24 Oct, 2010
Hi Lori great 2 see u :) iv given Summer the Hug she z send u Wags :) Iv seen some Rhododedron Flowers open here in Norfolk!! so i understand what ur saying about weird things happening :)
26 Oct, 2010
It is worrisome that many here on goY are saying the same of their weather/climate. Wag-Wag. xo
26 Oct, 2010
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This photo is of "Dahlia "Cactus Stars Favourite"" in Jacque's garden
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That's strange! This is a beauty, though. :-))
18 Oct, 2010