Late Summer Forest
By Greenthumb

29 Oct, 2010
A view from a friend's porch. This is a very shady spot with a little house that may be something I can move to in the spring. What a change from my open sunny treeless area. Still on the fence, though I do love this forest, all poplar and birch forests here come with aphid.
Comments on this photo
Wow, you still have a lot of green there! Most of our deciduous trees have lost their leaves by now, & my shrubs are all turning yellow-gold...of course the pines & yews are still dark green, as is the grass, whichever bits of it can be seen through my neglected leaves!!
29 Oct, 2010
Thanks. This is late summer, we are frozen over and white as winter around here these days. This photo is older but shows the forest at the new property I may move into. The bugs there were horrible here this year and the current tenants didn't have a garden at all! Discouraging. The trees and hilltop are more sheltered than I am, though trees wont fall on my house where I am now either. I wouldn't see much of the sun and I'd have much more mosquito.
30 Oct, 2010
my garden is very shady from the trees ~ i love them but i would like a bit more sun so i can understand how you are thinking.
30 Oct, 2010
the idea of being there seems lovely GT but in realisticly im not sure after reading your comment on trees falling on houses, bugs,no sun and mosquito`s, lol, is the house bigger to take all your plant collection indoors, have you got a pic of the house so we can get a better idea and give my opion hahaha, like you would take notice anyway ;o))
30 Oct, 2010
Wow, what a view from the front porch! I think we should all visit to see for ourselves, Sandra! lol!
30 Oct, 2010
Thanks for the comments. I am looking for my GOY friends opinion of the place, Sandra, very important to me, I'll be listening to our opinioin. It is a beautiful forest, I post pics taken there often, but that tree in this across the road fell this summer, and I lived in a little place in the trees when I had a back surgery where I could hear trees crashing down all day, made me nervous.
I took some pics of the house I'll post later. Not deciding yet. I would have to be able to clear some of it to move there I think. I have to
31 Oct, 2010
looking forward to the photos GT
very good idea oldgunner ~ we could do a virtual visit anyway?
31 Oct, 2010
lol GT, look forward to seeing pics, i would be nervous to if i heard trees crashing around me ,
31 Oct, 2010
What a great forest! Do you hike in there sometimes?
18 Nov, 2010
Thanks. I do like walks in the hills. Very quiet and peaceful. Long as you don't hear trees falling. I don't go on a windy day. :-)
18 Nov, 2010
You're so lucky! We don't have such peaceful places in the urban areas of San Diego (where I live).
22 Nov, 2010
Thats the deal breaker for me. I have to be able to escape/ In an urban area, I'd never leave my house. lol.
22 Nov, 2010
i know that feeling GT, and although we have never really escaped we have never had houses completely surrounding us ~ currently we have woods to the side and behind us; the previous house was the least esapist, in village but we did have the school playing field behind and woods and hills in walking distance; both the houses before that had a field on one side of them
that seems to be the nearest i can get to escaping ~ no wonder i dream of living on a scottish island!!
i hope you find what you are looking for
on british tv we have a program called escape to the sun where couples are helped to find a house in the sun ~ there ought to be a program called escape ~ now that would be interesting!!
22 Nov, 2010
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very pretty trees, aphids not so good but does the amount of trees mean that it would be a little more sheltered than where you are?
29 Oct, 2010