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Tree round the back

Tree round the back

Nice leaves turning on this

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Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina, synonym: R. hirta) Stevie.

9 Nov, 2010


I've spent half the summer pulling this out. I get rid of it and it comes back twice as strong.

9 Nov, 2010


Thanks for the name : ) not sure whats its doing there or where it came from, Not mine but have noticed the rhizomes popping up, a resourceful plant

10 Nov, 2010


You could well have a problem Stevie it can spread just as Lauram and I found.

10 Nov, 2010


well its not for me to do anything with this but interesting plant to keep an eye on

11 Nov, 2010


get rid of the babies now, otherwise it'll take over.

11 Nov, 2010


Its not mine folks but I will bring it to the owners attention for sure

11 Nov, 2010


love it !

16 Nov, 2010


I have taken a few cutting though, might look good in a container

17 Nov, 2010


had a sumac at my previous garden but it never threw out suckers but loved the autumn colour & long leaves. Pot grown sounds perfect, & free !!

17 Nov, 2010

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This photo is of "Wildlife around my stuff 2010 " in Stevietheterrible's garden

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