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Solanum laxum 'Album'

Solanum laxum 'Album' (Solanum laxum)

Still flowering well, even after the battering it's taken over the last couple of days.

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Is this a hardy Solanum?

12 Nov, 2010


Weeeelllllll....I've had it for three years (plus). It needs to go in a sheltered place facing south or south-west...and even then, it was very unhappy after last winter, but it has survived and fought back. So - for me, yes, Dd.

I do know that Andrewr lost his last year. :-((

13 Nov, 2010


Very lovely. The fact that it is still flowering is a testament to the very benign climate and shorter winters that you have.......sigh!

13 Nov, 2010


Yes, I think you must be right....not as benign as Louise's garden though! She has ner own micro-climate. Plants that I lose stay there happily. All down to aspect and shelter. :-((

13 Nov, 2010


Yes, it's annoying that sometimes isn't it!!

13 Nov, 2010


In a way - she's able to call some plants 'hardy' which I can't. One example - Verbena rigida, which is almost thuggish in L's garden. I'm lucky if it survives in mine. :-(

13 Nov, 2010


Wow, just fantastic.

13 Nov, 2010


Yes, my verbena rigida didn't make it either! Louise must have a wonderful place!

13 Nov, 2010


Not big enough for her, but she certainly makes the most of every inch of space. It's always lovely. :-)

13 Nov, 2010


Can't believe how much you still have in flower Spritz, makes my plot look like the ugly sister at the moment!

13 Nov, 2010


I'm sure it's not...remember I'm in the SW of England. That makes a big difference.

13 Nov, 2010


Just lovely, this one.....good to see yours is doing well Barbara.....lost mine last winter, and it never had the chance to flower....:o(

14 Nov, 2010


Oh dear - they do seem to be a bit hit-and-miss, don't they! Mine had quite a bit of dead wood to cut out this spring, but it did survive and it's thriving now.

14 Nov, 2010


Very true Spritz. Thanks for the encouragement!

14 Nov, 2010


Errr...did I?

14 Nov, 2010


mine is getting like yours bellflower. thats yorkshire for you. we have a hard frost tonight too.

14 Nov, 2010


Oh. Nasty! We haven't.

14 Nov, 2010


Yes SB, I was scraping the ice off the car before going to work at 7.30 this morning and probably will be doing the same again tomorrow.
Spritz, yes you did, you always try and turn my negatives into positives.

15 Nov, 2010


Oh-ho! Would you like me to be negative, then? :-((((

We 'did' have a light frost this morning, but it went quite soon.

15 Nov, 2010


No thanks Spritz, I can do that all by I like to take your positive spin and work on that.

15 Nov, 2010


OK. I'll remember that, Bell! :-)))))

15 Nov, 2010


another hard frost and its only 9.30. took ages to de-ice the car this morning too.

15 Nov, 2010


I'm sorry for you - we're getting another frost tonight, but not too bad, I hope.

15 Nov, 2010

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This photo is of "Solanum Laxum 'Album'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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