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For Yorkshire's (BF) Hubby...

For Yorkshire's (BF) Hubby...

His favourite color.

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He said thank you so much BF. Lol

21 Nov, 2010


I can't help but associate Bougainvillea's with my BF's hubby now. ;o)
There is this spectacular sight in Corfu town of purple Bougainvilleas trailed in many many arches....Will take a picture when I go in next...might not be that pretty if no flowers.

21 Nov, 2010


thank you BF he will really appreciate that, maybe I should buy him another one after killing his last one off,

21 Nov, 2010


Oooops maybe you should. I'm going to buy myself a white one in the spring and have it as a standard.

21 Nov, 2010


I thought I had bought the purple one for him, but when it flowered it was white, I must say it was rather pretty,

21 Nov, 2010


That's funny. My husband bought me a white one and it was was covered in flowers. It died when we were away...we hardly ever get frost and it happened when I wasn't here!!!

21 Nov, 2010



Looks very familiar! LOL! :>)

22 Nov, 2010


I decided Delonix I am buying a white one this spring and having it as a standard....(less thorns that way)

23 Nov, 2010



I do love Bougainvillea trained as standards! I had an Orange King variety trained as a large standard, years ago.

23 Nov, 2010


That sounds nice...I'm thinking about having a few for the outside my shop.

23 Nov, 2010



It's easy and fast to train as standard. It does need to have a large stake for support for a long time though.

23 Nov, 2010


This is going to be my summer project. Right now we are having really bad weather, can't get to the garden!!! It was reported that Corfu got 1/4 of our winter rain in one day!!! It was crazy, wild weather.

23 Nov, 2010


snow for us.

23 Nov, 2010



Wow! It does sound like you're having crazy weather there.
Hopefully, you don't get a lot of flooding!

23 Nov, 2010



Wow! It's snowing already where you it early for snow there?

23 Nov, 2010


I would love some snow around christmas time BF....Hasn't snowed where I live in the past 17years. We often go to the mainland mountains to see snow....

24 Nov, 2010


Delonix, we are lucky that we don't flood even though we collect all the water from the hill. We've planed things right.
It's still scary sometimes, the basement holds our heating, water system.

24 Nov, 2010


snow forecast for today Alex, we don't want it, especially after last winter,

24 Nov, 2010


Well Yorkshire, our winter has been horrible so far...rain, wind, rain, wind. YUK
Our sunny days better come back soon!!!

24 Nov, 2010



It sounds like a horrible beginning to your winter so far! I hope your sunny, warm weather returns soon!

We've had 3 days of unusually cold weather...the high temps have only been around 60F/16C which is considerably colder than our normal high of 74F/23C. We've been absolutely freezing! Many times for the Thanksgiving holiday the temps are around 80F/27C. (it was 80F/27C on Thanksgiving Day last year).

25 Nov, 2010


You guys are soooo lucky Delonix, I love hot heather (it's just the heatwaves I don't like).
Freezing at 16C!!!! You are spoiled! What is Christmas like for you???

25 Nov, 2010


we have had a flurry of snow this morning,

25 Nov, 2010



This morning was very cold here in San Diego. The low temp this morning was 43F/6C which is the coldest morning I remember for this time of the year...tomorrow morning may possibly be a couple of degrees colder...which is unheard of...

Christmas Day the temps tend to be around 70F/21C. or so.

A few years back it was around 85F/29C on Christmas Day...many people went to the beach.

25 Nov, 2010


Did you read that Yorkshire!!!! 20C on Christmas Day!!! I would go swimming as well Delonix. But Christmas Day should be cold and snow should be on the ground. Can you imagine Santa Clause with a Santa bathing suit???? What do you think Yorkshire? I bet you have seen that Delonix haven't you?

25 Nov, 2010


so what temperature in crete would you expect on christmas day Alex, I really can't imagine father christmas in a swim suit, would not look right, its now four thirty in the afternoon and the greenhouse is covered in frost, its zero here today,

26 Nov, 2010


Oh my poor BF....Chistams day in CORFU??? Way above Zero that's for sure...we had a sunny warm x-mas once,,,that just did not feel right.
Santa in a swimsuit...oh yeah,,,a nice young Santa!!!
I bought myself a thermometer again this year...tracking temps...
Crazy storm again just now, so I might get knocked off line.

26 Nov, 2010


we have had many christmas abroad in the sunshine, I quite like it, but prefer to go were there is snow, sounds daft as we hate snow here, we are going to Germany { Bavaria ] for this christmas, shoosh its a secret o.k. don't tell anyone on here, going on a cable car, christmas markets, castles and staying in a 5 star hotel,we have so much planned,

26 Nov, 2010


I won't tell anyone, shoosing. Oh lucky you, I really do hope you enjoy yourselves...Sounds wonderful!!!
I was thinking about visiting Germany for chirstmas as of my sister-in-laws and fam just moved there.
But my teenagers don't want to leave their friends during the chirstmas holiday. Go figure..

26 Nov, 2010


A little Robin just landed on my wall Yorkshire and told me you are off to a black forest gateau for Christmas! Do let me know what it was like..would like to go to Bavaria but strangely a little nervous of Germany..heaven knows why..possibly cos I dont know the language at all, apart from 1,2,3,4,5!

28 Nov, 2010

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