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hyacinth ~ pink pearl?

hyacinth ~ pink pearl?

Im so pleased with these ~ I planted 6 in a bowl, started them off outside in the cold and then brought them in, they have been flowering since new years day, all 6 have come out ~ thats the best ive ever done with hyacinth! these look like little pink starfish!!

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That's very nice :)

8 Jan, 2011


That is a lovely colour Sticki,I haven't grown them for a long time..Russell's mum couldn't have them anywhere near her,as they gave her really bad headache,from the perfume..I had'nt heard of that before,have you ?

8 Jan, 2011


Mine are all coming up in the garden Sticki, I took a slow walk outside today to see what's happening and although lots of things look messy the bulbs are coming up. I love the perfume of hyacinths :o))

8 Jan, 2011


i like the smell, its fresh but i have heard of people getting a headache from some flowers.
i havent got any outside ~ they dont seem to do so well there but these will go out when they've finished ~ hopefully they will do well next year?
not really my colour ~ im sure they were meant to be the red ones!

9 Jan, 2011


Ooh, I can practically smell them . . lovely. :)

9 Jan, 2011


ummm can almost smell its lovely perfume :o)

9 Jan, 2011


me to... : O ))

9 Jan, 2011


Wonderful bloom and colour

9 Jan, 2011


thank you! i have them in the kitchen and i appreciate them everyday!

9 Jan, 2011


Very pretty, I never have any luck trying to grow these - the always end up spindly! Well done :)

10 Jan, 2011


i cant really understand why these have done so well but i started them off outside in my plastic greenhouse. i shall definitely go back to the GC i got them from tho!

10 Jan, 2011


Please post the smell as well Sticki..tho I know its a "marmite" thing for people, but I love it.

11 Jan, 2011


i love it too!
ive added it now ~ think you have to do scratch and sniff?

11 Jan, 2011



11 Jan, 2011


glad you liked it

11 Jan, 2011

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