Tiny trowel, 100 yrs old!
By Lulu33

21 Jan, 2011
Comments on this photo
Very cute indeed. I thought it was £2 but it was £22, you see I forgot my glasses....again!
21 Jan, 2011
They don't make 'em like that anymore, have a lovely weekend Lulu and the rest of the gang.
21 Jan, 2011
Thanks Littlelegs. May do an Exmoor and more blog on Monday!!
21 Jan, 2011
100 years old did it get a telegram from the Queen lol its so cute and great for getting into small plants. I like I will have to remember that one forgot my glasses hehe.
21 Jan, 2011
So cute! Today I bought a new set of secateurs (I keep losing mine...I'm sure they get thrown in the compost by mistake!); and a pruning saw, so I'm going to be very busy....oh and as I was typing this, my raspberry bushes have just been delivered! Yum yum!!
24 Jan, 2011
I think all secateurs should be bright pink and attached by long piece of string, which probably would lead to the compost heap!
24 Jan, 2011
Yeah! My last ones had green handles....daft idea!
24 Jan, 2011
I painted mine with red nail varnish, still got them after 7 years, they need a wee sharpen though!
25 Jan, 2011
Great idea!! I used mine today and I've still got them! lol
25 Jan, 2011
I did notice the metal ring above the handle needs a glue job! But I suppose when you're 100 yrs old!!!!
My garden is so very wet not got anything done in it at all yet!
25 Jan, 2011
Yes, it does look like a wet site Lulu. Mine is very wet in parts as well, but I haven't touched them yet except to remove two roses that were struggling with the water. I replanted them elsewhere. Trouble is, I don't seem to have much success in the boggy bit...I think I need to take all out and totally revamp with some bog plants!
25 Jan, 2011
Bog plants, sounds interesing, what about Gunnera?
25 Jan, 2011
Too big. Mind you, I noticed the other day, you can get a smaller kind that only grows to about 2' tall. But then the size is the whole point of a Gunnera isn't it! The Sibirica Irises do well in there, and so do a couple of clems that are in there. I planted a Magnolia Lesserii in there in the summer and it seems to be thriving, so perhaps I'll just leave it for now, without the roses and see how it does this year!
25 Jan, 2011
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How cute.
21 Jan, 2011