Adenium obesum - Desert Rose White (fading to blush) Flowers
By Delonix1

25 Jan, 2011
My White Desert Rose has 5 flowers on it now. Photo taken Jan. 24, 2010.
Comments on this photo
lovely photos on again today D
25 Jan, 2011
Love this colour Andy...How old are they before they flower...Mine is now 2 years old.
25 Jan, 2011
Yes, this my newest beauty...just purchased it on special last spring. It was being promoted as a very drought tolerant landscape plant/shrub. I wish I could find out which variety it is.
26 Jan, 2011
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying them! :>)
26 Jan, 2011
Adenium species usually bloom very young...generally less than 2 years old. When I've purchased all my plants they've all bloomed within a couple of months.
Adenium species need very high temps to initiate their buds...preferably above 90ºF/32ºC. (It's a true desert plant) All my Adeniums are blooming now because it's been so warm to hot here for the last 3 weeks.
26 Jan, 2011
Don't know if this will help you says here this one is from Tiwan if you scroll down one looks just like yours, you could always ask the seller, you don't need to buy.
26 Jan, 2011
That's a terrific website!
I checked out the Fun chun variety. It does look very similar to mine...however, not sure if it turns from white to blush. I've seen most of the varieties on this website for sale here...however, I've never seen the double purple colored's a beauty!
27 Jan, 2011
That sounds lovely hope you get one.
27 Jan, 2011
I've seen the single-flowered purple variety...although, if I do ever see the double purple, I will definitely buy it. :>)
27 Jan, 2011
I would too they are all wonderful and purple doublt would be great, if I see it forsale on my travels on net will let you know
27 Jan, 2011
Thanks! :>)
28 Jan, 2011
28 Jan, 2011
just to illustrate my complete lovely flower and the leaves behind it look very like a mandevilla. Are they related, D1?
28 Jan, 2011
The Genera: Adenium and Mandevilla are in the same family (Apocynaceae).
29 Jan, 2011
I chickened out on bringing my Mandevilla with is now the prized possession of a good friend. We were fortunate to have a warmish day to move but it was still too cold for them, even if I had been able to wrap and box them as I did the orchids.
29 Jan, 2011
Mandevilla is commonly available for sale...isn't it?
31 Jan, 2011
Yes...I'm sure I'll have no trouble finding plants of almost any variety. I'd like to have some for the deck I'm planning and a greenhouse or conservatory to overwinter the lovely things. Que sera, sera~!
31 Jan, 2011
I'm sure it'll look great at your new property. :>)
All the Mandevilla species/varieties are blooming like crazy now...because of the all the warm to hot weather (over the last 3 1/2 wks). Unfortunately, I've been so busy...and haven't been able to take many pics lately.
31 Jan, 2011
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What abeauty and lush leaves looks really healthy.
25 Jan, 2011