Propagator fiasco part deux

28 Jan, 2011
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So ticked off was I, I then though hmm those new ones look nice (that come with the reinforced cover). They also have half shelves for those taller plants.
So they gave me 10% off and credited the cover price so got a brand new one for £18.
And here it is standing proud in my kitchen
Comments on this photo
I am looking at them every day - and keep thinking I need one as well.... but what I could keep there? no garden yet, not so many plants... but by the next winter I should get plenty, lol...
btw - nice kitchen ;-)
28 Jan, 2011
A mini garden Kasy!!
28 Jan, 2011
kettles on : )
28 Jan, 2011
Brilliant Steve.....
28 Jan, 2011
Cuppa in Monmouthshire, a bit far away me thnks! Maybe one day, can you handle 3 Pointer dogs and a drumming husband!?
28 Jan, 2011
Maybe a bit far for Milky but Kasy is quite near and maybe Gloustershire is not too far.
Wouldnt mind the pointers at all there is a choice of a couple of fields as you dont mind horse : ).
Hmmm your husbands a drummer, I used to play when I was 16 ; ) but dont have a kit here : (
PS update, its now looking very grand outside
29 Jan, 2011
Hubby hopes to support The Beat and Madness this year. Glad all is grand outside.
Pointers live with 35 horses!!!!! (not ours, they belong where we live)
30 Jan, 2011
dunno what to think of these mini greenhouses we had to of them and both were full of new plants last year. then the wind came and destroyed both of them it ripped the covers clean of them both! and they both fell over to .hope u have more luck with them
13 Feb, 2011
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Well done, I would have put that together with much cursing and then it would have fallen over!!
28 Jan, 2011