just for fun
By Sanbaz

28 Jan, 2011
couldnt resist this one after sandra (bloomer) mentioned it lol
Comments on this photo
Very clever, love it.
28 Jan, 2011
wonderful San-- Ididn't realise it was so Large.....
29 Jan, 2011
lol amy you were right, im famous at last ahaha, thanx :o))
thanx dotty :o))
29 Jan, 2011
lol pam, think i would still be painting it dont you hahaha, thanx pam :o))
29 Jan, 2011
and need a ladder.....
29 Jan, 2011
yes hahaha, " pass the paints up baz" lol
29 Jan, 2011
it looks great San
29 Jan, 2011
I agree with Yorkshire ... brilliant . : o )
29 Jan, 2011
cheers yorkshire and shirley :o))
29 Jan, 2011
I love it! :o)
29 Jan, 2011
lol thanx sandra :o)
29 Jan, 2011
You'll have one in a real art gallery soon Sandra :D
29 Jan, 2011
thats sooo clever ....
29 Jan, 2011
i couldt resist .....i've done it to ne of my mums paintings...cant wait for her to see it on facebook....lol
29 Jan, 2011
it didnt need a frame after all ~ looks very good on the wall!
29 Jan, 2011
aww thankyou hywel for the lovely comment, would be nice though ;o))
thanx sandra :o))lol bet she will love it
cheers sticki :o))
30 Jan, 2011
NOW i really like that hun ................;o)))))
1 Feb, 2011
lol cheers cristina ;o))
1 Feb, 2011
That's a really good painting :) I love it!
1 Feb, 2011
cheers puddleduck :o))
1 Feb, 2011
welcome puddleduck ~ what a lovely avatar name!
2 Feb, 2011
It has the frame it deserves......
3 Feb, 2011
aww thanx Dotty ;o)) x
4 Feb, 2011
brill - :):)
14 Feb, 2011
didnt know you had your own exhibition sandra.... : O ))
14 Feb, 2011
thanx paul ;o)
lol holly i wish haha
14 Feb, 2011
DId you paint this Sandra.
17 Feb, 2011
hi linds yes this was my first painting at art society, she thought it was a hrad first choice but said she liked ambition lol, im very pleased with how it turned out linda :o)
17 Feb, 2011
very well done Sandra. I find buildings very hard to do. Perspective and shading come to mind, and it is ambitious.......well done you!
18 Feb, 2011
thanx linda, perspectives are hard so i drew a gid on photo and then on paper, a bit like doing dot to dot really, easier to do buildings that way, also with acrylics it does cover the pencil lines, i quite enjoy shading to so didnt feel that was a problem, thanx again linda :o)
19 Feb, 2011
19 Feb, 2011
Missed this San...looks fabulous, this is how your work WILL look when you've done a few more for your exhibition!...:o)
21 Feb, 2011
aww thanx janey, i must say its a dream to have some on show one day even if its just at the gallery in the library :o))
22 Feb, 2011
How come I missed this,San? Glad you decided to show it ..it..Won't say I told you so....there,I just have! Lol:o)
28 Feb, 2011
lol sandra, it has just been framed so hoping to collect it tomoz, cant wait :o)
28 Feb, 2011
Ooh,I bet you are so excited,San..another photo on the way then? :o) We all want to see the finished painting now..
28 Feb, 2011
i am excited sandra and will post a pic when i get it back and on the wall ;o))
28 Feb, 2011
One day San, this could well be your work that people will pay to see! Great photo my friend...\0/xxx
18 Mar, 2011
lol would be great flori, nice to dream isnt it, i just enjoy it , its so relaxing for me ;o)) x
18 Mar, 2011
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LOL... now didn't I say you would get your paintings in the gallery and dosn't it look great ... :o))
28 Jan, 2011