Virus verse
By Gee19

5 Feb, 2011
I've been feeling very sorry for myself over the last 10 days but, thank goodness, am now beginning to feel much better. Hope to catch up with all your news bit by bit :)
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Yorkshire. It wasn't flu (I had the jab) and it wasn't a cold, no snuffles, just a really sore throat, mouth ulcers, aching joints, and a very loud, persistent and embarrassing cough. It sounds as if I smoke 100 a day and I don't! Feeling more like myself today though :)
5 Feb, 2011
Sorry to hear you've been poorly, Gee. Take a look at all the 'circle' pics on GoY, they'll make you smile! Some beautiful ones on recently. Take care. : o ))
5 Feb, 2011
we have colds Gee and as you say the coughs are horrendous, it is embarrassing when you are out shopping, I started coughing in the library it was awful, you take care,
5 Feb, 2011
hope you soon feel better, stay inside in the warm ~ its not nice outside. how did you make the photo ~ is that on power point? its very effective.
5 Feb, 2011
Thanks Sticki. It's not nice at all outside, drizzly and so windy. Several fence panels damaged during the night so major work ahead as soon as possible to replace them. I'm so lucky my son in law can do it for me. Yes, it was done in Power Point, mostly using clip art :)
5 Feb, 2011
Poor you Gee, cheer up, hope you get well soon, sending hugs. x
5 Feb, 2011
Oh nice one Gee...It happened to us once and its not very nice is it.......
5 Feb, 2011
Hi Gee
hope you are feeling better soon~ We had really nasty flue just before Christmas when the heating failed so you have our sympathies....
5 Feb, 2011
sorry you havent been well Gee hope your soon better and sorry about your fence, still waiting for mine to be fixed from the last gales before winter grrr, take care x
5 Feb, 2011
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling under the weather. but happy to know you're on the mend now :o)
6 Feb, 2011
Hope your feeling better soon daughter has had a similar virus, take care and keep warm, Spring is round the corner....:o))
6 Feb, 2011
Am about to buy Power point, hope it's fairly easy!!?
6 Feb, 2011
Glad your feeling a bit better now, my mum nor any oap here will have that jab, because it makes them worse, a doctor in the usa on you tube challenges any one in the world to prove that the jab stops the flu, and states who wants a body full of chemicles pumped into them. My sister works in the hospital last year, doctors and nurses had it to very bad effects from it and the doctors said they wished they had nt had it, and will never again, so what does that say. Hope you recover to your best of health.
6 Feb, 2011
Sorry Gee, see you mentioned Power point earlier, think my brain is still a little frazzeled, hope you are feeling better and stronger each day.
6d, Think I agree with you regarding the flu jab, not sure if I've ever had one and only had bad flu once over 20 years ago and this time it was very mild thank goodness. Poor hubby is still coughing after weeks and weeks, it gets you down after a while.
6 Feb, 2011
Thank you Lulu I can only state what I ve heard others say that have had it and when doctors and nurses will never have it again makes you think does nt it. In the 2ndary jab of swine flu one, contains mercury and what does mercury do go straight to the brain which I ve researched
6 Feb, 2011
Mercury, what the? Honestly what do the researchers think they are up to? I know poisons have been known to heal but only in homeopathic doses.
6 Feb, 2011
I was watching what they have been experimenting in Africa on the children, giving them the measel jab along with other jabs close by and it kills the girls, wiki leaks, has just disclosed since the 1940s till the 80s here they have been dropping lsd and ecoli and all sorts on us here lovely is nt it.
6 Feb, 2011
Sorry to disagree, 6p, but I have had the flu jab for a number of years now, even before I retired, and never had any side effects. On the other hand I unfortunately know of a number of people who have died of flu, two of which were young mums, so sad :(
6 Feb, 2011
glad you are feeling better gee... i to have the flu jab and never get any side effects... was glad to get the swine flu jab as well last year as i have a lung condition....
6 Feb, 2011
I'm pleased you have improved Gee , it's miserable when you feel so unwell .. keep warm and take care of yourself :o)
6 Feb, 2011
I too have the flu jab and no problems...but, unfortunately it ONLY stops the flu.I've also got an awful cough ,Gee, that's been hanging around over a week.And coughs always go to my chest....'orrible!!!
7 Feb, 2011
hope you feel better, we have it going around here also & I was sick for a month - the constant hacking and coughing has only stopped over the past 2 or 3 days.
8 Feb, 2011
Sorry you've been unwell Gee. I havn't been on GoY for 9 days, so it tells me. Just giving it a bit of a rest. I agree with you about the flu jab. So valuable if people will get it in October, in good time. May make some feel unwell for a while, but its better than being killed or affecting your heart, like my dad. It got him the second time around. Wish Wiki leaks would stop 'leaking'.
9 Feb, 2011
Apart from the lingering cough I am fine now, thank you all. I wondered where you were, Dorjac. I am looking forward to a warm spring (optimistic!) and a long hot summer (even more optimistic!) and just ignoring the next batch of rain forecast for this area from tomorrow onwards :)
9 Feb, 2011
Pleased to see you are up and running again, there have been so many nasty bugs this winter........roll on the Spring!!
9 Feb, 2011
Sorry to hear you`ve been poorly Gee, I`m recovering from some horrible little virus myself and it can really make you feel low. Like Dotty says, roll on Spring!
11 Feb, 2011
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have you had flu or the cough and cold Gee, hope you are better soon,
5 Feb, 2011