The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

For Japan

For Japan

I have planted this pieris 'for japan' as suggested by Ptarotuos who lives in Japan.

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I've never seen a pink-flowered one before, Sticki, (thought they were always white). Is it unusual? Pretty though!

18 Mar, 2011


i dont think its rare ~ got it in the local GC ~ its only about a mile and a half from here. i have a feeling i have a small one already but this one looked so lovely i got it. i still love the white ones tho, there is a lovely little one at the back of the garden i will try to photo it but somehow the pictures never come out as well as the real thing. funny you should put this comment on now sheila ~ i was replying to a comment of yours on a different blog at just that moment!!

18 Mar, 2011


i have put a close up photo on of this plant.

18 Mar, 2011


I'm going to do the same Stickitoffee...I just need time to get down to the shop and buy a new plant.

19 Mar, 2011


Nice thought - our garden had lots of japonicas my favourites :):)

19 Mar, 2011


Lovely healthy looking plant, Sticki, really pretty. I have a similar one (I've just put a photo on too).

19 Mar, 2011


fantastic looking plant,

20 Mar, 2011


i'll have a look gee ~ i think they are lovely, thanks yorkshire.
only hope i can keep it looking as good as this.

21 Mar, 2011


Its a beauty Sticki. I think they are doing well this year after the cold too. I would love a pink one. You will have to strike some cuttings later!
I keep meaning to take a pic of my white one which is getting quite big now..must do it..

26 Mar, 2011


i shall have a try ~ never been good at the cuttings thing

26 Mar, 2011


What a great idea. I wonder what I could plant for Japan.....another one of these wouldn't go amiss, but I shall have to have a think. This is lovely Sticki!

5 Apr, 2011


not my idea but i thought it was a lovely thing to do.

5 Apr, 2011


Yes it is. I could put something in my 'Japanese' corner and have a little statue or ornament to remember as well. it's a great idea. You've just reminded me...I saw Bishop Desmond Tutu on the tv this weekend, on the Andrew Marr show I think it was, and behind him on the bookshelf there was a gardening book....think it was called 'spiritual gardening' to look it up on Amazon!

5 Apr, 2011

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