Primroses....spring is definitley here!
By Sewingkilla

25 Mar, 2011
Comments on this photo
I agree very pretty!
25 Mar, 2011
Gosh,you`ve so many beautiful pictures of the most wonderful plants.
I`ve selected this one to comment on because I too love spring best of all after the somewhat bleak and dreary winter and this is the little wonder that really makes me believe better times for us gardeners are here.They just light me up.
You seem to cope very well given your condition,gardening is all up and down and I admire your determination in pushing yourself to the limit to achieve what you want and perhaps not what `would be advisable`.
If you can allow me a tongue in cheek question can I ask if the shed you had photographed was on a timer to tilt sideways to prevent the Home-Brewing Kit moving in, or was it a wobbly moment for you?
Well done Sewingkilla,you`re an inspiration.
5 Jun, 2013
Lol is the shed sideways? Oh no I put photos on from my ipad I've had that problem before! Will have to rectify it! Thankyou for your kind words
5 Jun, 2013
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I love to see these, so pretty. Yes, spring is definitely here :)
25 Mar, 2011