marsh marigolds
By Sanbaz

28 Mar, 2011
first pond plant to flower for 2011
Comments on this photo
Denise i was surprised to see them come so quickly, although we have had quite alot of sun and the pond gets it all, even my pond lily is coming up with leaves i noticed today. nice to see you to :o))
28 Mar, 2011
They look lovely Sandra...ours have just started so hope mine will look this good in a couple of days....
28 Mar, 2011
thanx maureen they do brighten things up, i may have to split this one as the roots are so long ebneath the basket after just a year, im sure yours will look great to maureen, post pic when they open please :o)
28 Mar, 2011
Love yellow plants/flowers....the sun really has helped your pond plant to put on a great show and plenty of growth in a year!
28 Mar, 2011
They are gorgeous Sanbaz. Pond areas are my favourite part of any garden. We had to put a new liner in ours this year, which was good and bad,...good because it really needed a good sort out, plants splitting, bottom cleaning etc. But bad because it will take a couple of years to get to maturity again. :)
29 Mar, 2011
thanx jacquie i love yellow for brightening the garden to, not sure if my other pond plants have come through winter, time will tell :o))
thanx judy, i know what you mean about yours, but at least its fixed and will give you years more pleasure, im hoping i get some new frogs this year after all mine dying over winter, but i must make some frog houses for next winter. ;o)
29 Mar, 2011
Good idea about the frog will you do it ? Will have a go too :)
29 Mar, 2011
Lovely, waiting for my water soldiers to come up, can see them near the bottom of pond.
29 Mar, 2011
mine are all leaves at the moment.... have you seen your water soldiers sandra... i can see baby ones starting to grow.... do you know if you have to take the old ones out or not.... will be nice to see them come up again clarice....
29 Mar, 2011
judy you can use plant pots half buried on their side so there is a bit of dirt and leaves in, facing away from cold winds, then in winter cover with leaves on top if very cold, or make wooden ones, make sure a good size so they can hide to the back where warmer, hard to explain but hope you get the idea ;o)
carol i can see mine to and seems more, little ones so look ok and should come back up soon i hope , my lily is getting stems coming up to ;o)
holly i guess you can take the old ones out if the babies have roots but im leaving mine in as they look ok and shade my fish from the sun and preditors lol ;o))
29 Mar, 2011
Thanks Sanbaz. Will try it :)
30 Mar, 2011
i will have to see what there like when they get a bit bigger...
4 Apr, 2011
holly i found lots of baby one this week so left them for now, but may detatch them when weather better as pond looking rather full, also my oxygenating plant has gone mad lol
4 Apr, 2011
my pond is rather full as well...: O ))
5 Apr, 2011
may thin plants out if they keep growing at this rate, or we wont see the fishies ;o)
5 Apr, 2011
hi sanbaz that brill to see a flowering plant in a pound my daughter's pond is all green plants i will tell her about this one its a beauty :)) BBFB
6 Apr, 2011
you can get all sorts that go in ponds mark, even iris, astilbe to can be in ponds, i was surprised when i saw plants that we normally have in borders :o))
6 Apr, 2011
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Yours are way ahead of mine.
28 Mar, 2011