Scarlet Lily Beetle
By Amy
- 6 Apr, 2011
Yes they are here , have a look at your Lilies and Fritillaria they will devour them in no time at all .....
Comments on this photo
6 Apr, 2011
will have to have a look.... great pic
6 Apr, 2011
Afraid so , keep your eyes open for them !
6 Apr, 2011
A good picture, but hope they didnt hang around for long lol
6 Apr, 2011
Not in my garden Carole :o)
6 Apr, 2011
Nasty creatures....thank goodness you spotted them Amy!
6 Apr, 2011
Oh Yes Janey , I'm on the ball this year ..LOL...
6 Apr, 2011
Been Lily beetle free for two tears now!
6 Apr, 2011
Crunch with the walking stick lol the dreaded lily beetle again, shall be watching out for them thanks Amy for alerting us, I bought some from Homebase was nt till then I had them, so I got rid of them and the soil year before last, not had them since touch wood. lol.
6 Apr, 2011
Meanie / 6p Well done both of you , you can both apply for a job round mine :o))
6 Apr, 2011
Great pic Amy.Do you think they come into the garden hitching a ride with new plants.
6 Apr, 2011
Amy - I cheated and moved house!!!
6 Apr, 2011
Yes Dawn they do and live in the earth of where you have your lilies, I read when I first heard about them, that they come in on eastern shipments on the lilies, and lay dormant in the earth the eggs until the warmer weather comes, so hence I got rid of the ones I knew had bought them in , as I did nt have them prior.
6 Apr, 2011
Brilliant info Sixpence, thank you. If you knock them off plants and you miss catching them, they act dead, on their backs, dont they
6 Apr, 2011
Yes they do :O))
6 Apr, 2011
6p is right Dawn , I find the ones that are hardest to catch are the ones that drop off in the grass you have to wait for them to climb back up before you can have another go at getting them ....
Meanie that was a bit drastic LOL...
6 Apr, 2011
Yuk. I repotted my fritillaries at the end of last year and have had no problems so far. It's the first time they haven't been eaten. I don't like the little beasties but it's a great photo.
6 Apr, 2011
Thats good Gee ,you probably got rid of the soil with them in , mine are planted in the garden I think they hybernate in the soil round the plant , I shall be doing the rounds soon to see if any more have come up over night .......
7 Apr, 2011
Brilliant photo, quite pretty for a pest!! will have to put my strong specs on now and go around the garden inspecting.
8 Apr, 2011
9 Apr, 2011
I'm livid! I just found one in my garden - it had a terminal collision with my foot!
9 Apr, 2011
LOL ... Ha Ha Ha wouldn't want you to feel left out Meanie !! I would check the same area tomorrow if I were you they do seem to pop up in the same place again .. :o))
9 Apr, 2011
I will be......
I've left the carcass there as a warning!
9 Apr, 2011
LOL.... :o))
9 Apr, 2011
Aren't they horrid :( I'm glad we don't have them here
10 Apr, 2011
I'm glad you don't Hywel :-)
10 Apr, 2011
I found 4 yesterday on my one lily i have, put them in a jar but one got away, will have to look out for it again
11 Apr, 2011
They are very quick Daylily you can't see them once they fall into the ground you have to wait for them to climb back up the plant stalk , I'm glad you were able to get some :o)
11 Apr, 2011
Yes amy, it dropped off the lily, i looked for it but couldnt find it!
12 Apr, 2011
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off to check amy grrrr, get your boots on lol
6 Apr, 2011