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A furry bird ? :)


By Mikec

A furry bird ? :)

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lol clever birds u have there mike, disguising themselves like that

2 Jun, 2008


I get quite a few of these fluffy birds too! Rather hard on the seed though. I set up feeder for peanuts in the shell for them that involves them climbing into a jar to get the nut. They are amusing, but they will eat you out of house & home in no time!

2 Jun, 2008


One of our less welcome imports from the U.S! They are out-competing our native red squirrels.

3 Jun, 2008


some of them do fly....but he looks like he's enjoying a private joke, to me...I think he's smiling at Grammazoo...He probably has a stash the size of the U.S.Mint...and he's planning on expanding in the next quarter...LOL....!! Popeymike: consider that perhaps they are interbreeding?

8 Jun, 2008


Lol, good one, Lori!! By now most of my yard is well fertilized with decomposing peanut shells, having bought them for years by the 25kg bag for the squirrel family & the bluejays in the yard. Alas, lately we have had to cut back and they now only get a few in their jar each day and the jays have to beg me for them when I sit outside. Most of the time I grab the outdated ones at the store for a better price, and the critters don't mind...

9 Jun, 2008


Grey squirrels have destroyed 'squirrel proof' bird feeders in my garden, once taking the feeder off a hook and dragging it down the garden (privately admire them).

25 Jun, 2008


Well said, Ams. Got to admire chutzpah when you see it... I think squirrels are beautiful animals... have an email with film of a squirrel decathlon set up by some retired folk with nothing better to do than set tests for intelligence and determination...and fitness...for is a gem...very amusing. Also be thankful that you don't live in cousin sent me pictures of a black bear tackling a suspended (from guywires) birdfeeder....probably after the suet.

30 Jun, 2008


A good photo of the furry bird.

24 Aug, 2008


Thats not a furry bird you silly nanas its an underwater sky rabbit anyone can see that

24 Aug, 2008

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