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Mike and Gabriella

Mike and Gabriella

Wedding in Oz in 2008

Comments on this photo


Congratulations to Mike and Gabriella! :))))

17 Apr, 2011


What a beautiful beautiful picture and couple Sheila. Is this your Son or Daughter? Oh, I hope mine don't emigrate over there!

17 Apr, 2011


Thanks Karen - putting this here was the only way I could add it to my blog! Yes, my son Mike with Gabriella and lovely Irish priest.

17 Apr, 2011


Well, that is going to be one beautiful baby! :))

17 Apr, 2011



17 Apr, 2011


Oh they are a stunning couple Sheila.....I can feel more trips to Oz for you coming on!

17 Apr, 2011


Thanks Janey. Mmmm, well luckily they are not expecting us to dash over there - they are planning to come back here at Christmas, so maybe I'll contain my impatience till then . . . we'll see!

17 Apr, 2011


beautiful picture, lovely couple.
he does look a very nice priest ~ i rather like the catholic priests that have been on the tv ~ island parish ~ on the hebridean islands.

18 Apr, 2011


Thanks Sticki. The priest was brilliant Sticki: made us all laugh and cry . . .

18 Apr, 2011


thats really nice

18 Apr, 2011


they all look so happy and beautiful .. :o))

19 Apr, 2011


Thanks Amy, and they're still happy, but we haven't seen them since 2008!! (They will be coming to us in December, though.)

20 Apr, 2011

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