phone 065
By Prawn

24 Apr, 2011
Every year it's a little miracle...
These are cobra beans - purple flowers and long snakey beans plus courgettes... just off camera are Marmanda, Sungold and Big Boy (how could I resist?) tomatoes and the mystical Marlborough beans, no known cultivar, but passed around in brown paper bags for the last 10 years and still lovely slightly nutty french beans.... yum
Comments on this photo
"mystical Marlborough beans".... they sound so exciting!!
20 May, 2011
Chilekat they are now scampering up the pole so I hope to have some pics of their white flowers soon! And Lulu, I've posted a load today, including the tardy Allium! x
4 Jun, 2011
Excellent - I shall watch await their arrival with baited breath! :-)
4 Jun, 2011
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Hello Prawnie, more flower photos please! x
8 May, 2011