My Little Dapple Bo Bo
By Sgbabe

10 May, 2011
Couldn't resist adding a dog pic to all the ones uploaded today. Taken in August 2010 when my pup was only 3 months old. She looks big in the pic but was under 2.5kg. She is now 11 months old and is longer but not much bigger.
Comments on this photo
Pretty colouring ..
is that Silver Dapple ?
10 May, 2011
Thanks both.
Scotkat: she loves people and although too tiny (she gets nervous really quickly) to be a therapy dog like our older dog, she does also enjoy visiting with the residents in the home we visit every week. As long as people are calm, she is also calm.
Terratoonie: she is KC registered as silver dapple (her mum is a red dapple, dad is black and tan) but she has got more red in her now that she is older. She is very unusual, I've never seen another like her. Even now that she is almost full grown, we get stopped ALL the time when we take her for walks. My hubby was in Twickenham with her on Sunday he says he was stopped at least 25 times by various people wanting to stroke her, including two male teenage hoodies!
Sorry about going on and on about my dogs but they are my P&J. My boss says that my hubby is dog number 3 in a 2-dog house and in turn, my hubby calls me a dog bore!
10 May, 2011
Certainly not a dog bore ! ...Bo Bo has very interesting colour and markings ... such a sweetie.. no wonder everyone wants to stroke her :o)
10 May, 2011
She's beautiful! I don't think your a bore at all talking about your dogs! In that case Millie, I must be a constant bore, as I'm forever talking about plants!
10 May, 2011
Ha ha well I would love to talk more about plants except I don't know much at the moment. But that's why I'm here. The other day, I shocked my hubby by pointing our an Allium (I learn the names by looking at other members' photos) and then this week, my friend who is a keen gardener was surprised I called the Aquilegia 'nora barlow' by its proper name LOL. She was like OMG. I'm getting there!
10 May, 2011
Oh Wow, wow, wow, I'm a sucker for Dachs's. Never seen a Dapple before! She is very lovely indeed!
In my lifetime, my folkes have had 9!! From smooth to long to wire, miniature to standard! All have such fab characters. I would love one but hubby says no, also we have some wicked steep spiral stairs and lots of naughty hunting bunny places. I would worry that playing with our bigger dogs would hurt it's back :(
I wish you lived closer so I could get my fix!
10 May, 2011
Lol. Sg babe ... I find on GoY, we learn about plants etc. without realising at the time how much information we're absorbing !
10 May, 2011
Lulu: our two poppets NEVER walk up and down the stairs to protect their backs (they are carried lol). If you have big dogs, I wouldn't recommend a mini doxi. My little one is quite fragile so playing rough is a no no, although she does put rambunctious puppies in their place. Both my doxies love to chase squirrels (never caught one yet) so their hunting instinct is still very strong. They are both into everything in the garden and love to put their naughty little paws and noses in my beds!
If you are ever in Surrey, drop me a message beforehand. You can come see my babies and give me advice on our garden at the same time!
10 May, 2011
Will do. I have two best friends who live in Twickenham and St Margrets, (sorry sp?!) is that close to you? Although I don't do London/Surrey unless I really, really have to, or a Doxi is around!!!
10 May, 2011
Yes, both are close by. We are in Epsom. We go to Twickenham every Sunday to visit a residential home with our older dog. So the next time you visit your friends, let me know and we can meet up in Twickenham or you can come over to us. Either would be great!
10 May, 2011
What a little beauty she is Sugarbabe, just love her colouring....she is about the same age as Lottie, my little Jackie Russell....:o)
10 May, 2011
Cute little face...:>)
10 May, 2011
Do you ever go to the races?
11 May, 2011
Thanks Janey, Motinot, she is a real little beauty (no, I'm not biased!).
Lulu, I haven't been to the races yet but I've been to the antique markets at Epsom as well as Kempton Park Racecourse.
11 May, 2011
OOOH! antique market, sounds good! My husband breeds racehorses and sometimes goes to Epsom, which is why I asked!
11 May, 2011
Wow if you come with him the next time he does, let me know! We live only 3 miles from the racecourse. You can stop here to play with my doggies and have a cup of tea (or something stronger ha ha) with us.
There is a small antique market at Epsom some Tuesdays but my fave is the one at Kempton Park as there are about 700 stallholders there so lots of variety. At the end of the month, we are going to the one at Sandown so I'll be on the look out for stone garden ornaments, maybe a bench if I see something nice.
11 May, 2011
She is soooo lovely.......
11 May, 2011
That sounds wonderful Sgbabe! I am always on the lookout for paste jewellery I can turn iinto mosaics, flowers and butterflies mainly. Usually find loads at carboots and markets. Not many around here sadly, just expensive bits in the Cirencester markets!!
Will take you up on your offer next time we go to Epsom!
12 May, 2011
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She looks so cute and a real friend .:)
10 May, 2011