Kohl Rabi ------ Rabbit damage --
By Amy

23 May, 2011
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this was in one day , it had all gone the next day , funny thing is it didn't touch a lovely row of lettuce...
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They are all around us Drc , we have a field at either side full of overgrown brambles they live in there, we thought we had made our boundary rabbit proof but they have found their way in from the ditch side, we have Muntjac deer as well, they have been trying to get planning permission to built on the fields, I would rather have the Rabbits !
23 May, 2011
probally left thye lettuce because its tummy was so full, very sad for you though Amy, gardening can be hard work,
23 May, 2011
Lol , they probably left it for their supper Val .. :o(
23 May, 2011
think you need to close the ends off Amy,
23 May, 2011
The hoops were put over to stop the pigeons before the rabbits found their way in Val ... we can't win :o((
23 May, 2011
thats so sad, poor you, hope the rabbits don't get back in, as you say, you just can't win
23 May, 2011
What a shame Amy, naughty rabbits, muntjacs and pigeons. Thankfully no rabbits here - I dont think the clay is very appealing to burrow. So upsetting when your crop is ravaged, then of course there are the slugs ......
23 May, 2011
What a shame but like you i'd rather have the bunies than buildings anyday.
23 May, 2011
I don't think they've been in today Dawn /Carol ~~ Tony put some more wire along the ditch edge ,lets hope that stops them , it's a shame it's to late to save some plants , I expect the squirrels will be after the Strawberries next :o(
23 May, 2011
Its a constant battle Amy.
23 May, 2011
I agree bunnies are definitely much preferable to buildings, Amy, but hope they don't take any more of your crops.
24 May, 2011
I haven't seen any more damage today Gee , hopefully we have plugged the gap :o) the squirrel was here again and took every bit of the birds food ... Grrr
24 May, 2011
My redcurrants are just turning red and the birds have been at them already. I don't really mind as long as they leave some for me, but I get annoyed when they drop bunches on the ground and ignore them.
25 May, 2011
I know how you feel Linda , I have some blackcurrants , this is my first year with a red currant bush I'm not sure if I will have very many , the Blueberry bushes are loaded that is if they don't fall off from lack of water , we have to watch out for the birds getting caught in the nets covering the raspberry cages , the squirrels tear the nets open and that lets the birds in ...
25 May, 2011
My blueberries are doing ok at the moment. I bought 1 blackcurrant and 1 redcurrant bush a few years back, and last year both bushes gave off redcurrants. Have no idea why this happened, but this year looks like they're all going to be red again.
26 May, 2011
How strange Linda , did the black currant bush have black berries until this last year ?
26 May, 2011
Yep. I even asked the question here on GoY, why this would have happened, but I didn't get much response. One comment was it must have self pollinated or something, and someone said it couldn't have happened, and that it must have always been red. If it had always been red, how come I've made blackcurrant jam and tarts....?
26 May, 2011
That is very odd, I will ask an old man I know when I see him he seems to know the answers to everything ..Lol .
26 May, 2011
Thankyou Amy. :o))
26 May, 2011
I'm gasping at utter disbelief at the sight. So soul destroying after all your hard work. Why can't the bunnies just stickt to grass and dandelion? Maybe the rabbits left the lettuce because they knew it is a potential rabbit killer, as it gives them indigestion. Mind you, the wild ones are pretty hardy. You could always try to plant chives round about. They are poisonous to them, maybe the smell will put them off.
29 May, 2011
Poodle the lettuce was all gone this morning , a whole row and the leek plants .. We are sad :o((
29 May, 2011
Well, they should have thoroughly poisoned themselves, according to rabbit care books. But it's a bit late for you. I saw live traps (cages) in a garden center recently, but you'd probably need a dozen of them. Wished I could send some of my lettuce, but that would defeat the purpose. So sorry about all your veg:-( Especially the leeks, don't know if it's too late to put new ones out now.
30 May, 2011
So sorry you're losing your plants Amy, it 's really upsetting to see them being eaten right under your nose. My beans are taking their own sweet time growing and I've been checking for slugs, and talking to the plants willing them to grow a little faster, then yesterday I went out to check them, in between the rain, only to find Mali our dog, had dug a few of them up burying her bones and chews. I tried to salvage some, but she had broken a couple, so I don't think they'll come back now.
31 May, 2011
Oh Linda :o( you can't win can you , what with the animals and the weather , we still haven't had any rain . thats not true we had a tiny drizzle last night , the plants are suffering badly , apparently a village in Norfolk ' Lingwood ' is on record as being the driest in Britain since records began !
31 May, 2011
We've had a few good downpours over the last couple of days, and I must say it has done wonders to the grass. My lawn is looking quite thick and lush and the moment, sorry....
31 May, 2011
And then there are there are the poor people on the west coast of Scotland, who are swapping their cars for boats just about. They've had enough rain for the whole of Britain, apparently. I really feel for the poor farmers down south who have life stock to think about.
31 May, 2011
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18 Sep, 2008
Poor you that must be awful, are they coming from fields?
23 May, 2011