Top border - for Jennyfer.
By Spritzhenry

23 May, 2011
To show you the Erigeron karviskianus in the wall.
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Cristina. :-)
23 May, 2011
That is so lovely. I'm on the look out for Erigeron karviskianus, think I will have to go on line as our my local Gcs never seem to stock it.
24 May, 2011
Thanks, Anne. I've seen it around at our GCs...
If you wouldn't mind waiting until after my open days, I will send you a plant.
24 May, 2011
That's very kind Barbara, I would be happy to wait
24 May, 2011
Really thats what I call a border!
24 May, 2011
I second that Troddles... its absolutely stunning (and I have totally not just been gawping at it on zoom for the last few minutes :P) the Erigeron blends so well into the rest of it... thankyou very much for all the pictures :):):) I can see they're a wonderful delight to many besides myself :D
24 May, 2011
what a beautiful garden
24 May, 2011
Just beautiful
24 May, 2011
Lovely comments - thank you all. :-))
Anne - no probs, I'll get one potted up, or there might be one left from the plant stall anyway if they don't all sell. ;-)
24 May, 2011
Thank you :o))))))
25 May, 2011
25 May, 2011
Oh to have a border this size.........wonderful planting.
25 May, 2011
Thank you very much - it does take some looking after, but it's my favourite part of the garden. :-))
26 May, 2011
Oh no Troddles has already put on here what I put on the other border looks like I copied him:-( I just love this, it's a slightly further back view of my first ever favourite pic. I'm just drooling:-)
26 May, 2011
Really? Can you see any differences? I suppose I do take similar photos...hmmmm...:-(
26 May, 2011
Yes, you were on the other one:-)) If I remember rightly, we were going to swap gardens;-)
27 May, 2011
Oh, really? Errr...I think we agreed to disagree, Ba. :-))
27 May, 2011
Glorious display as usual, Spritz...
28 May, 2011
Fabulous & cheery. A gardener who loves her little piece of heaven.
28 May, 2011
Can hardly believe my luck that I'll be there next week - B&B booked, so let's hope 2nd is a sunny day!
28 May, 2011
Oh, that IS good. :-)) It just might be.....
Thanks, Bamboo and Adoons. I appreciate your comments.
28 May, 2011
It's a marvellous piece of work Spritz! :-) But I've zoomed in (didn't know you could do that!) and can't see any Erigeron....
28 May, 2011
Zoomed in? How did you do that Beattie?
29 May, 2011
"Ctrl" + "+" = zoom in
"Ctrl" + "-" = zoom out
Or go to the top line, click on "View", then "Zoom", then "zoom in"
29 May, 2011
Haha, I thought I was the only one :P
29 May, 2011
Wow - thanks Beattie - how brilliant is that! (Btw, I now have 4 Dietes seedlings, woo hoo!!)
29 May, 2011
Beattie - the white flowers at the bottom of the wall right in the middle of the photo are Erigerons, I promise you! Zoom at them. :-)
29 May, 2011
ha ha just zoomed ................thats better lol
30 May, 2011
I have four seedlings too, Sheila. Not a fantastically high rate of germination, but consistent!
30 May, 2011
I've just joined the line of jaw-dropped gawpers. That is totally amazing - shakes head and sighs.
How many years's work went into that? and how many hours in those years? must have been more than several of each!
I know very few plants even by their common names, let along their proper ones - I'm going to have to get a "plant names for dummies" book, or somthing similar.
ps another way to zoom is to hold down CTRL and move the mouse wheel forward for increased zoom and towards you for decreased. It's the one I use most, I'm usually holding the mouse anyway and I know where the CTRL key is so I don't have to play hunt-the-button. You can zoom in or out any number of steps at one go.
30 May, 2011
Well - thank you, Fran! I do prefer to use latin names for plants, to avoid any possible confusion, especially as we have members all over the world - and it keeps my brain cells healthy. ;-)
Hmmm...We've lived in this house for almost 7 years, and I work in the garden every possible day, for several hours. It's two-thirds of an acre in size, so it needs that sort of input. I've virtually replanted this border in that time, I suppose, although some of the plants were there.
The rain has stopped, so I'm off out. :-)
30 May, 2011
Fran, it's so good to know another way to zoom...many thanks from this technophobe! :-)
5 Jun, 2011
Glad to know there's another "technophobe" on here, Bornagain - though I tend to call myself a technoprat, lol!
Still, we're quite good at gardening methinks . . .
5 Jun, 2011
swings and roundabouts: there are other things that are more satisfying to know about ...
looking at the picture at the top again, I suddenly thought, what's that big white thing with a hole in it on the right of the photo? It can't be a shrub, there's a line down it, and it can't be some sort of millstone cos the hole's off centre. And how come I never noticed it before?
I puzzled over it for a minute or so before my brain interpreted the line a what it was - the angle between two walls. doh! I'd always seen it as that before, but for some reason (maybe distantly connected to how awake I am at the moment!) today it's let's-play-games. maybe I should go back to bed...
5 Jun, 2011
And they call it retirement! That's why I want a large garden - I'm sure you stave off becoming decrepit by being physically active, and gardening is certainly a way to do it. Not to mention always having something to do. And thanks for the zooming instructions - I can't believe I've been a member of this site all this time and never knew it was possible to zoom in on pics - duh! Another thing I want to know though - how do people produce italics and bold on here? My usual methods for Word don't work...
5 Jun, 2011
I'd like to do that too Bamboo. Having to use caps for emphasis seems LIKE SHOUTING. And using ' looks wrong 'too'.
5 Jun, 2011
nods, I usually write my blogs in Word and then paste them in here - auto-corrects spelling errors for me as I go along. I found out by accident how to do bold - put a word in asterisks *like this*. and I think that italiscs might be _like this_. (The *bold* is an option in Word which I've switched off, because I use it mostly for *s* or *g* and there's no need for them to be in bold - besides, when I'm writing something that's to go online, i want the * - a word in bold won't go online as bold.)
But it only seems to work in some places here, not all. I doubt that these comments will be anything other than plain text, but I think it was when writing a blog that I found that my text had been enhanced - I'd done a *s* and wondered why it had come out differently. But maybe there's something I'm missing, because when I reviewed that blog I had paragraph breaks in where I hadn't put any in, and had to go back to take them out again.
Maybe try writing something as a blog and put some asterisks and underlines in, then review it - you can see if those characters make any difference, and go in and change them, and you don't have to publish the result.
Just thought of doing that myself! the *bold* does come out bold, the _italic_ does come out italic. I don't know what caused the paragraph breaks; some other combination that I've still to work out!
5 Jun, 2011
I don't have Word, so that knocks that option on the head.
I've just done some experiments & your method didn't work with the WP I use. 'Oh well'
5 Jun, 2011
I typed directly into the "write blog" box rather than in Word or other on-your-PC word processing system and then paste it in. I don't know if asterisks or underlines would work when pasted in.
Typing directly should work - or at least, pasting in plain text and going through it adding * and _ where needed - the GoY system is not on our PCs, and what we use to put words into it shouldn't matter - stress shouldn't!
I just copied the above paragraph and pasted it into "write a blog" and reviewed it - all plain text. I went back in and put asterisks around "not" and unerlines around the last "shouldn't" and reviewed again - bold and italic respectively.
So maybe even writing in Notepad should work; type what you want to say, paste it, then go in and add emphasis where needed; bit fiddly, but it might work.
5 Jun, 2011
I've tried pasting from my WP & from notepad with the following result.
A new experiment.
You're right, you can get a blog to have bold or italic letters. It doesn't seem to transfer here.
5 Jun, 2011
nods, which made me wonder what I'd done wrong the first time it happened! it's a bit three-cornered to have to write what one wants to say, then paste it in, then go back and add emphasis, but at least it *is* possible - there!
5 Jun, 2011
Wow, Fran, that's clever, and terrifically helpful . . . but I think I'll stick to SHOUTING, and hope no-one minds, lol?!
5 Jun, 2011
But Fran, in your post above, the "is" 'isn't' bold, or italic - at least, not on 'my' computer. :-? In my experiment, above, nothing is bold or italic. Is it, on yours?
5 Jun, 2011
You can't do bold or italics anywhere except in blogs - and there are instructions when you write one to tell you how to insert bold/italics. Some people have managed to get symbols in, too, and larger fonts, but I haven't a clue how to do that. :-(
5 Jun, 2011
no, Beattie, and that surprised me at first - I thought that if it worked, it'd work on all the site. But it only seems to work in blogs. so in comments, we're going to have to use caps or asterisks for emphasis
5 Jun, 2011
I haven't a problem with capitals myself, specially not just on odd words for emphasis.
5 Jun, 2011
I can manage a word or two or even a short phrase, but too many caps confuses me: I'm visually impaired - couple of my friends thought it'd be easier for me to read all-cap texts and emails, cos the letters would be bigger,but the prob with caps is that all letters are the same height which makes it harder for me to read. But I can do a few words - and they ARE easier to put in than having to go through putting asterisks and underlines in.
5 Jun, 2011
Works for me - when I read your post, the voice in my head emphasised 'are'. I should add that it's only the one voice and its not giving me instructions, lol!
5 Jun, 2011
LOL :-) And if they WERE giving you instructions, I bet you wouldn't obey, would you? ;-)
5 Jun, 2011
so if I put SEND ME ALL YOUR MONEY it'd have no effect??
6 Jun, 2011
You could try it but include more detail. Asking oneself "where?" breaks the spell. You should write
and watch out for all the fat envelopes arriving.
6 Jun, 2011
:) get enough of those anyway, "fantastic offers" that go straight in the bin, estate agents asking if I want to sell my flat - I usuallly write back and say "yes, but I think the council would object, as they own it".
6 Jun, 2011
Now, what on earth makes you think I'm disobedient, Beattie! LMAO, you're absolutely spot on of course - I'll consider whether I agree first.
6 Jun, 2011
Is LMAO polite? "Like My Aunt's Ovaltine"?? No, can't be that . . . doesn't make any sense . . .
Please advise! :)
6 Jun, 2011
"like my apples orange" - "lift my arms overhead" - "listen, my aunt's overdue" - "love my ample oran-utang"
lol got a whole new game now, thanks! *s*
6 Jun, 2011
Laughed my .... off sheilabub... Probably not PC, but commonly used. Perhaps I should have said LMHO, but there is a far worse version of LMAO...
6 Jun, 2011
sigh, double-post again. wish there was a way to delete such!
6 Jun, 2011
I'll have to look that one up ... doh, just fell in, but that's the point, one has to think about it.
6 Jun, 2011
Does *s* mean something? Apart from NOT producing "s" in bold...
I like ROFLMAO, personally. Such fun.... :-)
6 Jun, 2011
Thanks Bamboo . . . I shall think twice about using it! :)
6 Jun, 2011
*s* is "smile"
*g* is "grin"
you can also go for evil grin *eg*
6 Jun, 2011
Ok, thanks Fran1. You learn something every day. *s*
Makes a change from :-) or :D
6 Jun, 2011
I think you techie lot need to start a new blog thread - other members will be interested in this! ;-)
7 Jun, 2011
Spritz, I did feel remorseful at highjacking your thread. :-( Sorry.
7 Jun, 2011
That's OK, but I do think that other people would be interested! :-)
7 Jun, 2011
would a so-non-gardening thead be allowed in here? I've seen the "other" option for blogs, but assumed that'd still have some relevance to the gardening theme
ps: I've just done a "PC techies and newbies" blog to see if it'll take. figners crossed.
And sincere aplogies, Spritzhenry, for helping to derail the thread: it wasn't intentional
7 Jun, 2011
No probs Fran. ;-)
11 Jun, 2011
Spritz, are your geraniums all fit and healthy? mine are looking decidedly ropey, even Ann Folkard and Rozanne. diDiscoloured leaves, tiny very dark dots disfiguring them, but can't see ant beasties:-( Incidentally blue skies looking good this year so far. Only one that is. I'll post a pic if you like:-)
11 Jun, 2011
Oooh - I don't like the sound of that! How odd - mine are OK. Obviously I've checked very recently. Keep an eye on them, maybe feed them?
Not fair - I haven't got 'Blue Skies', so yes please, rub it in and post a photo. :-(
11 Jun, 2011
I've put a couple on :-)
12 Jun, 2011
OK. I'm off to look. :-)))
12 Jun, 2011
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23 May, 2011